muh skull n bones cats are worried
Law fags what do you make of this decision?
oh that's a spicy crumb
one way Podesta amtrak ticket from the good old days :-(
what reign? the country is run by jews. such liars.
only 4500?
they need to hush their blabbing jewish controlled mouths given how many whites they murder every damn year. and 600,000 during the civil war? whats the grand total do you think? 600,000 plus nhow many dead per year plus total rapes?
same with the yids. they have their six gorillion but how many whites have they butchered? focus on the 11 and don't talk about vegas is their style (even if the 11 are real).
Anti Antisemitism Awareness Act anon is behind the Dickinson question.
not sure about an organization that sees bearing false witness as a positive good as they themselves by their own declarations are in a state of perpetual unlimited warfare against the Christian / Goy / infidel.
birds of a non-white feather subvert together
Jews are terrorists.
I deny the holocaust is anything other than a Sabbatean gag wherein the true holocaust is that caused by "Jews" and is comprised of white Europeans.
true isn't it? when did you start it off? 1917? 1848? 1789? 1941?