You dont know me.
I dont want to spend post on stinky shill, so i will post at least something interesting.
Awkward! LA Times backs rival candidates in English & Spanish editions of midterms voter guide
The Los Angeles Times has been caught endorsing seven candidates in its English edition and their mostly Latino opponents in the Spanish version. The puzzling discrepancy left many scratching their heads as the midterms loom.
It turns out that Los Angeles Times’ English and Spanish editions diverge on who to endorse for federal, state and local offices. The curious find was first picked apart by Latinorebels, a Spanish community-themed website.
Notably, the English version promoted the sitting Senator Dianne Feinstein, arguing that the Democrat is the one who knows “when to stand firm on matters of principle and when to negotiate to get things done.” Her contender, Kevin de Leon, will hardly be “nearly as effective in the Senate as it exists today.”
But for Los Angeles Times en Espanol, Kevin de Leon is the right man to represent California in the Senate because he seems pragmatic and effective enough and knows the immigrant community. As for Feinstein, she “has been in the Senate since 1992” and that is “too long. A generational change is needed.”