Fuck democracy!!
The United States is a Republic!
Got it?
Good points, and modeled on the Roman Republic, which they invented and called Res Publica, res which is a legal thing, and of course where we get our word public from. A legal public entity made up of its citizens.
However, in the Constitution of the United States of America, Article IV, Section 4, it declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,…"
After the end of the Revolutionary War, when the Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia to decide on a form of government, delegates from all 13 states debated democracy and VOTED "IT" DOWN,
Which is why we have a Constitutional Republic, a Constitution that has served as THE role model for many countries to use in drafting their own constitutions.
A democracy only works in a small city-state.
Look what the Demonrat party has done to all the big American cities they've ruled for generations.
Only a Republic works for a nation our size.
The Republic was invented in the city-state of Rome in 509 BC,
Democracy was invented in the city-state of Athens in 508 BC
Democracy worked in Athens because they had slaves and only men voted.
The Republic worked in Rome because they had slaves and only men voted.
Rome conquered Greece in 146 BC and became a province of the Republic. Case closed.
We must hold to the values of our Constitution and the unrelenting and insidious infiltration of radical socialists in the guise of democracy, which they use as a 'feel-good" word…mmm democracy…all the while corrupting our youth and chipping away at our Constitution.
Thank God for inspiring our POTUS to save our country!
In 4 days and a wake-up I want a loud-and- clear message to go out across our Sovereign Nation that We The People want our Republic back!