Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.3698814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8821 >>8834 >>8835 >>9370

DHS: Caravan migrants from 20 countries, include 270 convicted criminals


The Department of Homeland Security claimed Thursday people from at least 20 countries make up the two caravan groups, not just citizens of Guatemala and Honduras.


In a release called "Myth vs. Fact: Caravan," the department also states more than 270 people in the caravans are either known gang members or have criminal backgrounds.


DHS did not cite its sources for the information and a department spokesperson said that information is law enforcement sensitive.


"We continue to be concerned about individuals along the caravan route. In fact, over 270 individuals along the caravan route have criminal histories, including known gang membership," the statement said. "Those include a number of violent criminals – examples include aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, armed robbery, sexual assault on a child, and assault on a female."


A DHS spokesperson told the Washington Examiner the 270 had previously been convicted, not just charged.


"We also continue to see individuals from over 20 countries in this flow from countries such as Somalia, India, Haiti, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. There is a large segment of this population that we know nothing about and we must be prepared to defend our border and enforce our laws to protect the citizens of our country," the department said.


Officials put the number of people in the two caravans from Central American countries at 6,500 total. Both caravans are making their way north through Mexico.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:07 a.m. No.3698837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

156,562,000: Record Employment for 12th Time Under Trump


( - The economy is the second most important issue for registered voters as the midterm election nears, a new Gallup Poll says. And there was very good economic news on Friday, as the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics rolled out the October employment report – the final one before next week's midterm election.


The number of employed Americans has never been higher. The 156,562,000 Americans employed in October is the twefth record set under President Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:12 a.m. No.3698871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

these dirty FKing bastards should of just got blowup doll now hes crying,,,kick his ass every day


Pedophile Priest Demands Early Release After Being Beaten in Prison by Inmates


A pedophile priest, who was convicted and jailed for sexually abusing 27 young boys, has had his appeal for a sentence reduction rejected after complaining that he has been attacked in prison by other inmates. After appealing the length of his sentence in an Australian court, claiming that other prisoners "hit him over the head with a loaf of bread," the judge instead extended the length of former New South Wales Marist Brother Darcy John O'Sullivan jail term.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:15 a.m. No.3698896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8923

Arron Banks faces criminal investigation for 'mysterious' Brexit funds


The National Crime Agency is to investigate allegations of multiple criminal offences by Arron Banks and his unofficial leave campaign in the Brexit referendum, prompting calls from some MPs for the process of departing the European Union to be suspended.


The NCA would look into suspicions that a "number of criminal offences may have been committed", the Electoral Commission said in a statement, saying there were reasonable grounds to suspect Banks was "not the true source" of £8m in funding to the Leave.EU campaign.


The commission said the cases involve Banks, the insurance millionaire who heavily backed leave; Elizabeth Bilney, one of his key associates; Leave.EU itself; the company used to finance it; and "other associated companies and individuals".


News of the investigation prompted anti-Brexit campaigners to call for a delay to the process of leaving the EU. The Labour MP David Lammy said Brexit "must be put on hold until we know the extent of these crimes against our democracy".


A series of other Labour MPs echoed the call, while the Lib Dems said Brexit could not go ahead based on "a leave campaign littered with lies, deceit and allegations of much worse".


Downing Street said it could not comment on a live investigation, but dismissed the idea of a pause: "The referendum was the largest democratic exercise in this country's history and the PM is getting on with delivering its result."


Banks and Bilney, who chaired the Leave.EU campaign, said they rejected any allegations of wrongdoing, and argued the investigation was motivated by political considerations.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.3698908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9370

Army reactivates air-defense artillery brigade near Tokyo


The Army has reactivated a brigade to oversee missile-defense units on mainland Japan, Okinawa and Guam.


The 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade was reactivated in a brief ceremony Wednesday at Camp Zama, headquarters of U.S. Army Japan in Kanagawa prefecture near Tokyo.


The brigade, based at Sagami General Depot, about 25 miles west of the Japanese capital, will oversee the 1st Battalion, 1st Air Defense Regiment at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, as well as the 10th and 14th Missile Defense Batteries on mainland Japan and a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, battery on Guam.


The unit, which will include about 115 personnel at full strength, is purely a headquarters unit, said U.S. Army Japan spokesman Kevin Krejcarek.


“It’s just personnel. There won’t be any missile batteries at Sagami,” he told Stars and Stripes ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony as protestors gathered outside Zama’s main gate.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.3698977   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Deep State Suffered Major Defeats in Brazil and Germany


The tide has finally turned away from the Deep State. Angela Hitler is not running for chancellorship after her Christian Social Union allies gained the worst election results in Bavarian history, and her own CDU suffered the same fate in Hesse’s regional vote. In their stead, the anti-establishment Alternative for Germany has captured the last 16 state parliaments, reports said.


On the other hand, the B in BRICS is making a comeback when a nationalist congressman Jair Bolsonaro wins the presidency in the latest Brazilian national elections, in another rebuke to hegemonic politics emanating from the Western hemisphere.


Some have called him the Brazilian Trump, a populist candidate for the presidency. His mantra: “Brazil Above Everything, God Above Everyone”. The professional political elites who rule within international circles have been throwing every attack possible at candidate Jair Bolsonaro.


Two-months-ago his left-wing political opposition stabbed him in the liver in an attempted assassination. Bolsonaro believes in open market free-trade; Brazil-first nationalism, and protecting the integrity of the Brazillian national identity.


Bolsonaro’s win today is another rebuke to the globalist system of elite central planning authority controlled by multinationals.


Both Brazil and Germany are key areas where the Nazis are wielding too much power before this day. It is just a matter of time when all of the minions of the Vatican are all removed from the driver seats of power.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.3699030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9047 >>9067 >>9070

New AI system DARKMENTION will detect upcoming cyberattacks from dark web


The role of Dark Web forums in making such wide-ranged cyber attacks possibly cannot be overlooked. There is a dire need to develop methods that can identify well advance if an organization is on the radar of cyberattackers through monitoring the Dark Web. One such system has already been developed by an international cyber-security research team.


Predicting future attacks is no more a dream. Researchers from Lockheed Martin Laboratories, Cyber Reconnaissance, and Arizona, USC, and UNS universities have published a paper [PDF] to describe the new system they have developed to predict cyber attacks and prevent infiltrations by hackers.


This new AI-based system has been named DARKMENTION and it works by understanding the association rules that connect attack indicators to actual cyber-attacks. The system has been developed under the Cyberattack Automated Unconventional Sensor Enrivonment (CAUSE) program from IARPA.


DARKMENTION monitors the forum discussions on mainstream platforms and illegal marketplaces and matches the information with the data that it already has. The system contains over 500 historical records of cyber-attacks that actually have occurred. The data has been obtained from CYR3CON, a cyber-threat intelligence firm.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:35 a.m. No.3699067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9207



China Launches Global Campaign to Spread Internet Repression, Surveillance Tools

Beijing hosts seminars on cyber censorship with dozens of countries


The Chinese government has carried out a global campaign to disseminate its oppressive internet policies and digital surveillance tools, hosting seminars on cyber censorship with officials from at least three-dozen countries over the past two years, according to a new report.


In its annual study of internet openness, Freedom House, a democracy and human rights watchdog, warned Chinese efforts to spread its "digital authoritarianism" pose a threat to an open internet and the spread of democracy across the world.


Authoritarian governments have justified tighter internet restrictions and reduced privacy protections by contending the policies help counter fake news and data hacks. This pretext has also enabled countries to commit human rights abuses, such as jailing government critics and blocking foreign social media sites.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:44 a.m. No.3699138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9150

U.S. Launches Crackdown on Chinese Economic Espionage

State-run Chinese company indicted for advanced semiconductor technology theft


mid unfulfilled Chinese government promises not to spy on U.S. companies, Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday announced a major initiative to counter multi-billion dollar theft of American technology from Chinese economic espionage.


"Chinese economic espionage against the United States has been increasing—and it has been increasing rapidly," Sessions said. "We are here today to say: enough is enough. We’re not going to take it anymore. It is unacceptable."


Sessions noted that in 2015, China stated publicly it would not target American companies for economic gain.


"Obviously, that commitment has not been kept. Just ask GE Aviation, or Trimble, of Sunnyvale, California," he noted.


As part of the crackdown, the Justice Department announced the indictment for the first time of a state-run Chinese company involved in a plot to steal advanced U.S. semiconductor technology.


A federal grand jury in San Francisco indicted Chinese and Taiwanese company and three people for targeting the Idaho-based Micron Technologies, which is leading in development of an advanced semiconductor technology called DRAM–dynamic random-access memory.


The semiconductor technology is a major component of advanced computing that will be central to developing artificial intelligence products for both commercial and military applications.


The Justice program is part of a multi-pronged Trump administration policy of taking action against China for unfair trade practices and technology theft.


The administration has imposed $200 billion in tariffs on Chinese products and is holding out an additional $250 billion in tariffs.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:46 a.m. No.3699157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Inside the Ring: State Official on China Tech Theft


The State Department is stepping up efforts to block China from acquiring American technology in a large-scale, high-technology military buildup.


Christopher Ford, assistant secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation, said the efforts are aimed at countering Beijing’s strategy of "military-civilian fusion" being directed by Chinese President Xi Jinping. The fusion process moves technology acquired abroad ostensibly for civilian purposes to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Mr. Ford said in a speech to the U.S. Naval Academy last week.


Mr. Ford said his bureau at the State Department has joined with Los Alamos National Laboratory since July in a program aimed at "putting up barriers to the proliferation of sensitive technologies to the People’s Republic of China — technologies which Beijing has been using to build up its military capabilities in support of its ambitious ‘China Dream’ of ‘national rejuvenation’ to regain China’s position as a world leader in a range of fields, including military might."

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:56 a.m. No.3699239   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Conservatives have an opportunity to take over the Republican Party


Things were very worrisome back in the early days of tea party activism. We had RINOs constantly putting down people who rose up against the clear progressivism of the Democrat Party, instinctively knowing that it would destroy America. The RINOs didn’t like being called out for their flirtation with and in some cases outright acceptance of progressivism, and they were brutal to the conservatives and tea party members. In the end, they wanted nothing to do with pushing back against Obama, scared like rabbits that they would be called racist.


For many years we were so concerned that the progressive Republicans would drag the party to the far left that we wondered if entertaining a third-party bid would be the right direction. If the Republican Party was no longer the home for conservatives, then conservatives thought very long and hard about walking away. It was difficult, to be sure, starting over like so many other third parties before us, and many of us switched back and forth, thinking and overthinking, frustrated and concerned that these nominal Republicans would be the head of the party forever and would take the party down the useless road of becoming a small second party for decades to come.


The simple fact that they would rather work within progressivism to “get things done” showed that it would only be a short time before they would all be swallowed by the alligator.


Now, as a grassroots member, after two years of having a president who listens to the people who elected him — an unnatural occurrence since the Bushies took over the party of Reagan — I am starting to see the possibility that the worst RINOs of the party could leave, leaving room for more and more grassroots conservatives who can work to switch the party from progressive to conservative. For the eight years of Obama, that vision was not possible.


To be sure, we conservatives are at a disadvantage to win back the House and Senate, for the usual reasons. One big reason is that we have a ton of nominal Republicans leaving Congress because they cannot allow themselves to be associated with the president. But this is a blessing in disguise, because they have shown themselves, and exposing slimy politicians is half the battle. Another reason is the leadership of the NRCC, who continue to pearl-clutch over rhetoric that is true, but too direct, giving the organization cover to leave conservative Republicans in the lurch at critical times in their campaigns.

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.3699277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9392

‘It’s time to wake up’: GOP Senate candidate John James calls on black Americans to leave Democratic Party with pro-America message


With all the talk about race in politics, the #WalkAway movement, and Turning Point USA’s 2018 Young Black Leadership Summit trending last week, why isn’t Michigan Republican candidate for U.S. Senate John James the talk of conservative media?


James released a short but powerful ad Thursday highlighting his father’s experience in the Jim Crow south and how his perseverance taught him to stand for America.


I am the living result of the American Dream, and I WILL protect that Dream for future generations! 🇺🇸 LET’S FLY! 🦅>< #LetsFlyMI #MISen #TeamJohnJames


— John James (@JohnJamesMI) November 1, 2018


ames, a graduate of West Point, decorated combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and businessman, is challenging incumbent Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich. He is running on an inspirational pro-America message that calls on black Americans to realize “the Democratic business model is reliant on keeping black folks dependent on the government,”

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 8:08 a.m. No.3699346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9361

Silicon Valley Parents Spy On Nannies to Make Sure They Aren’t Using Screens Around Their Kids and Make Them Sign “No Screens” Contracts


ilicon Valley parents are increasingly obsessed with keeping their children away from screens. Even a little screen time can be so deeply addictive, some parents believe, that it’s best if a child neither touches nor sees any of these glittering rectangles. These particular parents, after all, deeply understand their allure.


“Almost every parent I work for is very strong about the child not having any technical experience at all,” Ms. Altmann said. “In the last two years, it’s become a very big deal.”


From Cupertino to San Francisco, a growing consensus has emerged that screen time is bad for kids. It follows that these parents are now asking nannies to keep phones, tablets, computers and TVs off and hidden at all times. Some are even producing no-phone contracts, which guarantee zero unauthorized screen exposure, for their nannies to sign.


The fear of screens has reached the level of panic in Silicon Valley. Vigilantes now post photos to parenting message boards of possible nannies using cellphones near children. Which is to say, the very people building these glowing hyper-stimulating portals have become increasingly terrified of them. And it has put their nannies in a strange position.


“In the last year everything has changed,” said Shannon Zimmerman, a nanny in San Jose who works for families that ban screen time. “Parents are now much more aware of the tech they’re giving their kids. Now it’s like, ‘Oh no, reel it back, reel it back.’ Now the parents will say ‘No screen time at all.’”


“The people who are closest to tech are the most strict about it at home,” said Lynn Perkins, the C.E.O. of UrbanSitter, which she says has 500,000 sitters in the network throughout the United States. “We see that trend with our nannies very clearly.”

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.3699403   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For years they told us TV was harmless and can't affect the way people think or act, but then charge 2 million for a 30second commercial during Superbowl, because they can convince you to buy their product,, dam people are gullible

Anonymous ID: 7cfa42 Nov. 2, 2018, 8:17 a.m. No.3699436   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stunning video: See why Democrats are now the party of mass mental illness


See the video proof that Democrats have now become the party of mass mental illness. “Unhinged” doesn’t even begin to describe the lunatic behavior of left-wing activists. One left-wing professor named Christine Fair recently said that conservative (GOP) senators should be murdered, have their genitals cut off, and then their genitals should be fed to pigs.


Mental illness is now fully embraced by the Left as an asset, not a condition requiring medical intervention. Instead of seeking treatment, these dangerous mentally ill people are seeking power. If they could only gain power over everyone else, they could rewrite the science books to remove all references to male / female anatomy and achieve their “genderless utopia” of equality. And if they could just silence all conservative voices, they could dominate all online conversations with left-wing gibberish that defies rationality or reason.


No wonder so many former Democrats are leaving the party and escaping the lunacy of the Left. Brandon Straka, for example, has launched the highly successful #walkaway movement. Many young people are bucking the trend, too, and coming out as conservatives.