And? Not my problem. Why don't you worry about your own country bud? Kashoggi was a bad man and I couldn't give half a rats ass about fucking sand niggers. Fuck Saudi Arabia, fuck Turkey too. You boomers only care about other countries. You don't care about your own. Tell them they can kill the rest of Kashoggis dune coon inbred family. See how many fucks I have to give. Appr. 0
In for a surprise. What absolute insufferable cunts. He's probably projecting his own loneliness. Hoping someone out there has it worse than him. Faggot.
Hebrew Box Office can't say shit.
Nope. It's worldwide Judaic Zionism buddy. Why do you think Israel extracts billions of dollars from us every year. Why do you think 89 of our congress people are also Israeli dual citizens. Why do you think we fought their immediate enemies for them in Iraq and Syria. Wake up. The Bolshevik communists came here. You need to read more and forget many things you were ingrained with. Like how Hitler fought the same cabal we do to this day. The banking dynasties and their useful idiot communists. All Jewish.
You should probably read some books! There's more evidence for everything I've said than that crap you're spewing. Don't fucking strawman me. You can't criticize Israel for siphoning our tax money? You're a fucking idiot.
I can't handle the idiots who outright refuse to look behind the curtain.
Funny I looked it up in webster's and it's not there. Looks like I know how to use the language. Fuck off retard.
"The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above."
I agree 100%. But that's even less of an excuse than not being informed. The info is quite easy to come across. No excuses for intellectual cowardice. Nobody can read your thoughts…yet.
It's so obvious that the entire last century has been the zionist century.