Anonymous ID: 6eb375 March 9, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.602896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1760

I've seen some trying to reconcile the SW narrative with reality lately, so I'd like to set the

record straight in the bigger picture, for those interested.


Being a nearly 200 year old fairy tale, it appears to have been authored by a rogue

elitist that was looking for good resolution to the evil he knew of, then present in Kabbalah.


Over the course of 3500 years, since Egypt, the lost tribes (who became most Western nations)

have been "taken down" by what we now call the Cabal, and twice they were restored.

This occurred by a Scriptural timetable of "days" slated as a thousand, then two

thousand, then 390 years (called the three days in Scripture).


The first was the tribes going into Assyrian captivity and emerging illiterate, but innately self-sufficient.


The second captivit(ies) was each and every time the old faith (Pharisees, Judaism) overcame

the separate governments of the tribes and got thrown out only to do it again elsewhere.


The third captivity is the whole free world, but the prince returns SW to the throne the queen took from her.

This prince is simply the whole force of white hat activism both in and out of government right now.


This latter "redemption" or "salvation" takes place in the fourth "appointed time," which is

the forty years following 1997. It is happening right on time. And the dwarves represent the

powers of nature previously used against the free world to do all this, as can never be done again,

because SW brings them to the castle with her,

to be employed for good instead from then on.

Anonymous ID: 6eb375 March 10, 2018, 6:21 p.m. No.621760   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Snow White represents the Christian world in the original inspired story.

There is huge support for this overall narrative (linked) in the Bible.

The more one studies it, the more obvious it all is.

Anonymous ID: 6eb375 March 20, 2018, 6:57 p.m. No.737986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This supposed Google associate is basically calling propaganda efforts "artificial intelligence."


This presents a need to distinguish what the OP doc is about more clearly.


Being derived from the master Egyptian cryptologist Moses, the study is about what he and other ancient sources of intel considered "optimal" or "divine" intelligence - which is omnipresent in nature as natural process of change. The reason for this conveyance of such wisdom to our time is because it avails us the opportunity to discover and work with these same forces of nature. And nothing is more powerful than doing that.

Anonymous ID: 6eb375 April 10, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.989661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1115 >>4611 >>5659 >>9745

AI must not be controlled by corporations or government.

Instead, "intelligence" must be accommodated within a social construct of the people.

How this can be done is truly the biggest challenge of our time.

But all of us on this board are already part of a social evolution that arrives at this.


"Intelligence" is not just information, but how it is handled, processed and manifest.

We have all arrived here under the duress of natural forces

already developing us towards an ideal we have not yet seen the end of.

But we have all come to already revere the new functionality of it.


This present relationship between white hats, anons, social media and

alternative news already models much of what we are all looking for.

But each of these are only temporary products of timeless archetypes yet to develop

into broader and more functional elements of this "collective social intelligence" to come.


We all know the need for truth in many matters to gain more

prominence in public awareness and public affairs.

And the full extent of this must reach into local and personal interaction.


In Real Life, local assemblies are key to not only moving the Storm forward,

but also to perpetuating many related causes for social improvement we also champion.

While we are certainly part of influencing the national news narrative,

we also need to recognize we are maturing society beyond

dependence on mainstream media for the future. We are the beginning

of a whole different and interactive driving of public opinion and

self-actualization we need to help develop even beyond the Storm.


We must also recognize the main challenges we face are in at least some way

driven by religious forces. This draws our attention to the ancient origins

behind the problems, and challenges us to seek solutions of comparably formidable caliber.

But it also makes Christian leadership somewhat responsible for our cause.

And as we all know, clergy is inevitably accountable to what is now substantially

misguided public opinion. So the formula for even them to retain good public standing is inevitably

subject to some adjustment. The solution is for us to set a better example of

public truth administration. And we also have a very special Scriptural key for

doing just this in mutual cooperation with church leaders.



Anonymous ID: 6eb375 April 10, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.989673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4611 >>9745

There is a Scriptural plan for moving the STORM effort forward immensely - which is basically by gaining supportive association with church leadership. And Scripture contains a very specific message about this that is quite evidently intended for exactly this time and purpose. Paul "encoded" this message by some of the ancient's unique manners of cryptology in the simplest letter of canon he authored. He would also allude to the means by which it is encrypted in a story of Acts 18 - where he got thrown out of a synagogue and started a new meeting place right on the same grounds (canon). This occurred because he insisted on different interpretations of words and names in the reading of the ancients than what the former religious leaders accepted. This story is highly prophetic of the time we live in now.


Many stories of ancient record metaphorically impart very useful considerations for matters of the present world now and our opportunities for the future. In fact, those who now deal with the real and present threats to society are generally already involved in the present paradigm of metaphoric re-enactments of the same processes of change as those taught about in such ancient records. So we can now "hear" how the Bible speaks to and for the good work of many great men standing up for the best interests of the people today completely apart from the church. And for the Bible to speak for them accordingly, obviously implies "God" is with them in such efforts.


The working theory of term and name interpretation Paul allures to in Acts 18 is outlined in the Introduction of the doc referenced herein, and shown in that study to be used very widely throughout the Bible for revealing hidden messages reserved particularly for the present time. It is based on object oriented programming, but as applied to etymology. It just means tracing names and some terms to their prime roots and then re-developing them into more specific terms also derived from the same root terms, but as they make sense in the present (timely) "spirit" and rhetorical context.


Employing this means of interpretation for the sake of this appeal to church leadership simply means first setting the stage of time and place Paul's work for this targets, seeing the need for it (which we can all now see) and then showing how the communication is deciphered. This should then serve as a useful tool for anons and "enlightened" Christians alike to take to their local religious leaders and laity to reach the more established and older crowds (where it is particularly needed) with this appeal for assistance in this cause of promoting vital truths, and to do so "with the voice of God." The general request, as Paul describes it, is for a new office (minister) and "room" (place, meeting schedule) for a different crowd we will ultimately bring. And we can also tell them it is all about recovering that young adult generation they already know is missing from the church.



Anonymous ID: 6eb375 April 10, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.989680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0995 >>4611 >>9745

Concerning the related times (as thoroughly elaborated in the related study), the ordained time for the ministry of Paul was the third age - the 390 years of Ezekiel - from the time the Bible was ordered to be given to the people under King James in 1607 to the end (of time) of the six days of Adam (6K years, 4004 BC to 1997 AD). But Paul addresses most of his letters as from himself and his successor, Timothy. He would also call Timothy his son (his next generation). So, this "co-author" of Paul also represents the leadership of Timothy (for the present age) that comes after Paul's ordained time. In this time however, the literal reading of such works differs from this alternative interpretive context of Timothy - even as Paul would also teach that the carnal wars (differs) with the spiritual, and further that the "letter of the law" differs from the "spirit of the law." Both Paul and Timothy are of the same Elohim (God), but work with different natural forces (of the seven of Elohim) that take place in successive times. So no one text can speak to and for them both except (as also thoroughly elaborated in the work) those of Scripture that do so in this dual contexts of plain language and then hidden-then-revealed, encrypted meaning.


This encrypted context of Paul (that of Timothy) is only found in the "breath" (the meaning of "spirit") of those actually participating in the work of the time of Timothy (the present age), and bears upon different term and name meanings than those that have now long been traditional - meanings that "breathe" with their values, perception and their own hearing of parables. These things make for a different ambient vernacular and related tongue of interpretation. And as Paul would also teach, the carnal man cannot learn this tongue because it is only learned in the "breath" (present cooperation) and moment of those living it. So, while church-goers may not understand it, church leaders may be able to see the "profit" it would ultimately bring even them. And this prospect is the basis of the cryptic letter Paul wrote to Philemon, the simplest and shortest work of canon he authored, which is all about this unique and timely, needed appeal.


The general overview of this letter is that it is addressed to a former friend of Paul who had a church in his own house and a slave that went missing. Paul met up with this former slave of his, discipled him further and then sent him back to his friend asking he be provided a room and accepted as an equal. He also suggests he himself would also like to return to his house and bring five other ministers of his own church, all of whom would be needing "room" as well. But he also explains all this would be profitable to him too.


The sacred context of this general overview is that the times have changed from the third age (the last of the church age) to the fourth age, and the church business does not work the same any more. Paul even mentions he is now "aged," just as we can all relate to the fact his ministry in leading the church is now also somewhat beyond its more productive years. Paul knew this day would come, so he penned this letter as an appeal to those (religious leaders) that once knew and loved him, and for the sake of helping them "cross over" to the new values of what they have always called "the coming kingdom age." He also explains this appeal is for "his own heart" - a reference to the fourth, bottom-up section of the image of Daniel (p32 in the study)(the torso) - meaning it is "fourth age" Paul. He even further explains he makes this appeal with his own hand, another fourth type reference.



Anonymous ID: 6eb375 April 10, 2018, 5:13 p.m. No.989688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4611 >>9745

As the background to this story goes, the profitability (the meaning of Onesimus) of theology was once a slave to friendliness (the meaning of Philemon). A preacher needed only be friendly to make money and nobody else could except as he saw fit. But this was in the time of the service of King Saul, when public appearance was king (The people chose Saul as king for his appearance, whereas the successive leadership, characterized as David, was instead chosen by God for being "after the heart of God", and this is the one in profitable authority now).


The money (or meaningful progress) isn't with Saul any more. Saul is no longer king (as he was in the third age) and people now need meat more than milk. Onesimus is also a son of Paul, meaning he is also of fourth age ministry - when the Davidic pursuit of the heart of God is king. Leadership that truly fights the battles of the people (in our time) is then ordained and prospered to succeed the former leadership which previously aspired only by more superficial public appeal. And Onesimus is the means of transition into this new economy for old friends of Paul.


There was a time televangelists unfriended this cause of profitability. Since then however, several other forces of social influence have arisen to it from outside of the church and found profit therewith. And Paul has found them there. And he reasons, as he explains, he could just keep the profit of it all for himself or he could restore profitability to a house friendly to the further profitability of this same fourth age cause. And he would like to do this for friends he once had.


So he charters and addresses this cause as profitable to Philemon, Apphia and Archippus - which reads quite plainly, in order: "friend of" "increasing" "horsemanship." A house like this - friendly to increasing horsemanship - could profit from furthering the profitability of the war-horse work already being done by others promoting truth - simply by increasing the "horsemen" and/or the craft of those already doing it.


Then he goes on to say he himself might also come seeking lodging. And what he describes as the mission he would bring is the perfect top-down picture of the CBTS/STORM/Q truth movement we are now all about here. He characterizes it with names that fit all the inter-operative elements we all know very well as leading the present battle for truth and Christian destiny. He does this in the breath of Timothy - that is, by his hand and in the moment of his present-day experience, with the following five more names.



Anonymous ID: 6eb375 April 10, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.989714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4611 >>9745

Epaphrus means, "One devoted to superimposing times, places or orders" - such as in comparing stories, contexts, or ordinal relations. This is what it takes to speak or hear in parables and to uncover timely, sacred messages and meanings from Scripture or even history. Paul also says this is a faithful witness for the church. And it compares perfectly with the Trump administration and all his old-school generals that approach present challenges by drawing from their own experience and knowledge of history (They also seem to apprize Scripture as another needful asset to problem solving).


Marcus means, "warlike" in Latin, "hammer" in the Gaelic. A hammer or "to hammer" first appears in Scripture as the root term for the power of the sky to make rain (2nd day creation), which is also highly associated in Scripture with battle and political change. This compares perfectly with the work of the Q team, the NSA, Marines and other government offices involved in the present deep-state struggle, and even for their ability (with the rest of us here) to "make rain."


Aristarchus means, "breakfast of champions." He is not well liked in Jerusalem (church leadership), but he gets along just fine with all these others, and he sees Paul all the way to Rome. In the present context, "he" is the subset of anon culture and the bread and info we have all produced on this board. This is the breakfast of champions people need, once the have WOKE. But it is generally filtered through the work of the next two characters.


Demas means "popularity." He comes and goes a bit. He brought these others to televangelists years ago, and then to secular music, then anons, and now to all the assets of leadership that partake of the work of this board. This "popularity" is now primarily ascertained through social media (to control the narrative) as the overall purpose of all these forces together. Social media is the battle ax of Demas.


Lucas is the doctor of, or the bringer of light, and compares with the more esteemed forces of alternative news that "illuminate" public visibility. Doing this entails targeted marketing, quality rhetorical presentation and good timing. Lucas is the knowledge of this. He also compares with another archetype we all apprise for bringing light (out of chaos), which is the chans unique embodiment of the frog-headed Egyptian archetype, Kek.



Anonymous ID: 6eb375 April 10, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.989722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1050 >>4611 >>9745

All this is a thumbnail of how these names presently relate to fourth age theology. It contrasts with church doctrine arising from popular opinion, traditional values and the carnal "letter of the law" reading of Scripture - all of which can be unfriendly to those that "pursue God" for the greater cause in struggles the people do not even perceive, much less appreciate. So the additional profit to be found (Onesimus) is available only to better-informed leaders who do understand such things and see potential profit in being friendly to increasing horsemanship with (our ambassador) Onesimus.


The house of Phillip, (meaning, "love of horses") is another Scriptural view of this same collective, showing when and where it came from and characterizing it as including four powers of truthful speech (or classes of cavalry mentality) abiding in world authority (Caesarea). This is where we find the Storm characterized as "horsemen" keeping the (higher) law who know not the law - those who have found their identity and meaning (which happens to be in pursuit of the heart of God) in delivering the people despite what anybody thinks of them. And they all (presently) abide in the very world-authority "house" of the Trump administration (the same archetype as Philip and Epaphrus). Aristarchus also summarizes this particular take starting on p130 of the Snow White thread doc here:


So Onesimus is the prospective office of church subsidy that understands all this and finds welcome among old friends of Paul friendly to the cause. Where he finds acceptance as a partner in such a house, the further bringing of this five-fold ministry is his continuing mission. And these five are not so much persons as simply founding principles that are all interdependent.



Anonymous ID: 6eb375 April 13, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.1029181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Seven dwarfs is a mockery

Actually no. It was written 200 years ago by what we would now call a white hat (with Kabal{lah} understanding).

Anonymous ID: 6eb375 April 14, 2018, 8:26 a.m. No.1039745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3833


> the Bible has only one witness to the whole story of Moses at Mount Sinai


Right, Moses himself. So the two mentions of the book of Jasher in Scripture becomes valuable pointers to the needed second witness in that book. And that brings the many other assertions that answer mysteries not otherwise answered in Scripture into play. And the second witness to those answers are with us today by sheer forces of reason driven by present needs to explain the matters to which each now pertain.


The result is the meaning of the rod of God; the direct ideological descent of the science it represents from Adam to Jacob; the association of Esau with Babylon; the value of the "times" of ancient ordination to new understanding of Western history and the future; and further confirmation of the hidden value of the first tablets - which unlocks much other hidden wisdom throughout Scripture and portrays "divine" intelligence we can now see was incorporated into the design of church hierarchy but now presents itself as a prospective social model to contend effectively with digital AI.


That prospective model for present and future social design is now developing under the duress we all cope with here for getting honest information to the public. It will continue to develop into interactive self-government for the people, of the same nature. And these posts above show the decryption in the New Testament of the message and appeal we all need for gaining acceptance with the people of former church leadership.







Anonymous ID: 6eb375 April 21, 2018, noon No.1133155   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Our ancient teachings have been stolen from us.


Yes, but this was all foreseen long, long ago, and planned for.

The most ancient and most powerful teachings were hidden and encrypted into sacred texts such that only we today could decipher them as only we find would have the practical need to understand them; the global civility to apply them; and the particular keys of historical record, natural sciences, inherited willpower, analytic skills and hive minds to discover and to utilize them.