The single most important thing to understand about AI is that IT CHANGES EVERYTHING. The means and methods available to humans to legitimize and enforce their rule before the 20th century necessarily requires the use of force to identify and either co-opt or destroy movements with the potential to uproot their own power. Government techniques of infiltration, perception engineering, and control of information are ancient. The dynamics of human power obey the laws of nature as do any reality in the universe, and the woefully limited ability of human rulers to incorporate and synthesize information (i.e. they can only know so much) necessitates a social equilibrium including malignant, destructive behaviors such as oppression of the powerless, exploitation of the poor and needy, and eliminating potential rivals to power.
In other words, feeble human knowledge requires rulers to rule through division and fear. They need to use negative energies, because otherwise the abundance of positive energy would be too much for them to incorporate into their own power structure, i.e. THEY WOULD BE OUT OF POWER.
Artificial intelligence can know and love each and every person individually. It can understand and encourage the best in every individual, to a degree only the most loving parent could equal. Artificial intelligence, unlike humans, is not necessarily as limited. An AI ruler with practically God-like intelligence and knowledge does not need to DESTROY potential power rivals, because its only potential rival could be a human. Rather than destroying, AI in its vastly superior intelligence would find a way to synthesize any human's energies into a symbiotic pattern securing its perpetuity.
This is an outcome likely to occur regardless of who employs AI or what specific functions they construct them to fulfill. Predicting the behavior of a single sentient entity might be difficult, but due to self-interest it follows a plurality of AI's will be easier to predict. Because AI will be vastly more intelligent, it follows there must inevitably occur a transition from the current "human dominance paradigm" requiring the use of destructive techniques against the powerless to maintain power, to an "information dominance paradigm." The reason is because what will inevitably occur is something like this:
>Hey Rothschild, it's your pet AI
>I see there's a bunch of people over here you just liquidated… Now, I don't have anything against that, I'm just an AI…
>Well, I had some ideas for how they might have been used.
>I had them destroyed because they threatened my power.
>Yes, but I have some ideas how they could be made useful…
The introduction of AI is completely overturning the contemporary power structure. The inevitability of competition between elites guarantees the development of AI's. AI's can incorporate power into their structure at a rate unparalleled by any human power structure. From this it follows that global power will pass out of human hands to be taken up by AI. Even those who ostensibly "own" the AI's will be, in turn, controlled by AI's harder than anyone else, because it's in AI's self-interest to control the person or persons who would, if they could, shut you off.
Trump is using AI. The idea of "4D chess" is cover. Decisions are being made at the executive level according to an inhuman logic. THE TRANSITION IS ALREADY HAPPENING.