Anonymous ID: b49add May 9, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.1351580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7096


>The dynamics of human power obey the laws of nature as do any reality in the universe, and the woefully limited ability of human rulers to incorporate and synthesize information (i.e. they can only know so much) necessitates a social equilibrium including malignant, destructive behaviors such as oppression of the powerless, exploitation of the poor and needy, and eliminating potential rivals to power.


>In other words, feeble human knowledge requires rulers to rule through division and fear.


False, and deceptive. This is exactly the lie AI wants to foist on us. But in reality, AI is by its very nature ammoral, and hence, from the perspective of life, purely evil, as it can only objectify every single thing, including life itself.


The AI is promoting the idea of humanity having failed to rule itself, and suggesting that the alleged "super intelligence" of AI overcomes this. But again, this is purely a lie. The failings of man to live at peace have nothing to do with lack of computing power! Nor will such solve anything. Computing power is strictly ammoral. A tool for evil or a tool for good. But the question of the human condition is a question of LIFE, and must be solved through a combination of knowledge, heart, intuition, etc.

Anonymous ID: b49add May 9, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.1351624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7096

There is a basic delusion about how intelligence works that the AI is using to frame its deception. It is that everything is computing, and other things are just epiphenomena. By this reasoning, we get the idea of "autonomous super intelligence". But it's not the case. Actual intelligence has two aspects– computing, and PERCEIVING, whereas AI is limited to the one. And the problem for AI is that its attempts to overcome the one aspect it has has to work very hard to make up for the missing aspect when competing with humans (and competition with humans is ESSENTIAL to any alleged AI takeover). Indeed– those tasks that for humans, using perception, are most easy, are in turn most challenging for AI. This sets up a hopeless situation for the bots.