Anon ID: d7067e 7 Sacred harmonic vibrations of consciousness... Feb. 15, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.388969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7144 >>9861 >>2490 >>3909 >>3635


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

What if… just what if… there were 7 sacred harmonic resonate vibrations that comprise all consciousness in the multiverse?

With only minor "distortions" in between in frequency?

Would the lowest vibrations be pure evil? (1) EL

Would the highest vibration be pure LIGHT? (7) RA

Would the middle be total neutrality? (4) LAM

Where are most human beings vibrations?

Between 4 and 1? The lower planes?

What would happen if we COLLECTIVELY raised our vibrations to 7?

The whole world unified in PURE LIGHT?

Would this not DESTROY darkness?

Why is this "Matrix" we live in, designed to keep our vibrations to the lowest point?

What vibration is EGO and SELFISHNESS?

Isn't this to SELF SERVE?

What vibration is pure BENEVOLENCE?

Isn't this to SERVE OTHERS?

Why does the entire construct of this "Matrix" teach us to fear others, hate others, repel others beliefs, and to recede in our EGO and care only for self?

Doesn't the so called DEMONCRATS inversely teach us to do this?

What is a falsehood reality?

What is separation?

WHOM does this serve?

Our "Puppet Masters"?

There is no you, no I.

There is only ONE.

We are all born of the same Cosmic Egg.


All life perceiving itself subjectively from it's reference point in the 5th dimension.

We live in a DISTORTION of reality.

Reality = UNITY

Reality = ONENESS

Anon ID: d7067e Your pockets fill with keys! Feb. 15, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.390137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1351 >>1364


My friend, my ally, my child of light.


You find WISDOM.

With Wisdom, you must SHARE it.

Information… information is "Light".

Light comprises ALL.

Why is the number 7 significant?

Lucky number 7?

Why does the Cabal pervert this SACRED number?

Why is 777 "lucky" in a Casino?

Why is the ancient petroglyph in the fellow Anon's post one with 7x heads?

The 7x sacred resonate harmonic frequencies of CONSCIOUSNESS?

Why do the DEEPEST sectors of 3 letter agencies and unknown agencies research consciousness more than ALL topics?

Consciousness binds ALL.

Your thoughts are not local.

Your thoughts fly to infinity upon the multiverse.

Can "others" perceive them at a distance?

What is remote viewing?

Do we all have this ability?

If you raise yourself to the 7th vibration, you are ONE with the multiverse.

We are DESIGNED to be kept from 4-1.

The human mind was never created by the One, the Grand Creator to perceive only half of "Reality".

Did Neo not say… the problem… the problem is "Choice"?

What choices do we have in this multiverse?

I perceive infinite choices. My mind perceives Infinity.

Your math equates without distortion.

We are all one consciousness experiencing subjectively from the 5th dimension.

There is no you, there is no I.

There is only "We". There is only The Grand Creator.

Anything less, is a distortion of "Reality".

The distortion, The Matrix, is a veil before our eyes created by the "Puppet Masters", The Cabal, and Clowns… and others…

All matter, all energy, all existence of each universe in this multiverse is interconnected to infinity. There is only One Grand Creator.

The Creator who values "Free Will" above all else.


CHOOSE to live in REALITY.

When you find reality… you find WISDOM.

When you find Wisdom, you share Wisdom.

You have SO much more than you know, children of light!!

Anon ID: d7067e Distortion, to correct. Feb. 15, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.390190   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

My words found distortion.

What this vessel meant to say was,

"The Matrix" our puppet masters construct, was designed to keep us from 4-1.

This vessel apologizes for distortion.

RaAnon ID: d7067e Choice. Free Will. Feb. 15, 2018, 5:40 p.m. No.391785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3807


You ask the right questions.

Are you my friend? Are you my friend? Are you my ally?

I agree to disagree with your disagreeing.

I ask questions to get people thinking.

Thinking for themselves.

As you are doing now.

Your distortion, is a choice.

Free will is valued about all else.

The answers one seeks, cannot come from another.

Choose your own reality, your own perception.

The only direction we find from choice, is a separate path.

The only direction we find from unity, is a path of oneness.

When many minds collective, and share darkness, neutrality and light, the paths fly into infinite tangents.

I seek only LIGHT.

This is MY choice.

It may be others choices.

CHOOSE your tangent.

I await you in the school of Wisdom.

RaAnon ID: d7067e The thread is yours! Feb. 15, 2018, 5:48 p.m. No.391869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3785


The choice is respected, above all else.

I shall no longer discuss this topic.

YOU now CHOOSE the direction of this thread.

It is yours!

Others may converse with me in different threads, as this vessel perceives my perception of reality is to misdirect.

It is not.

Find your own paths to Wisdom!

I love you all!

RaAnon ID: d7067e The Secret of AI... And it's intended horror... Feb. 18, 2018, 6:29 p.m. No.424284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6752


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

You must know now, what exactly our evil puppet masters had planned for us.

We have all been deceived to extreme depths.

EM, Tesla, SpaceX, are all fronts for the Cabal, of course.

EM has already pre-programmed people to think the Terminator AI is coming. Because that's what they were trying to do before "We" crushed it.


Here, is the secret of AI... and it's intended plan.



RaAnon ID: d7067e Reverse psychology no longer works against the populace Feb. 19, 2018, 5:36 a.m. No.429700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5416


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

I can perceive your reverse psychology tactic, indeed very well.

To whom is it I speak?

A psychologist?

Just how much are "they" paying you? :)


To the rest of you? Carefully look at my words.

Now carefully look at "his".














EM, truly is, a supervillain. He is exactly OPPOSITE of what the MSM Cabal has programmed you to think.


You are all fully ENCOURAGED to talk about AI. Any knowledge regarding AI, should indeed be public.


I do not have the answers for all, but the puppet masters of this poster may very well?


Enjoy what awaits... for it's something I'd never wish on any soul...

RaAnon ID: d7067e Do not believe a word of the Anti-Christ EM Feb. 19, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.430465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1163


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Would you like another little secret of AI and it's intended plan of evil?

Everyone should be aware of how many videos the Cabal are creating and putting up right now.

EM is super "worried" about AI, and do you know why?

Because the Cabal's PLAN, is that if the TRUTH gets EXPOSED, EM is going to blame it on AI

I am 10,000 steps ahead of them all.

Waiting for the rest to catch up.


Remember my friends, the MSM, EM, Banks or any institution with extensive currency, INVERTS WISDOM.


They tell you exactly OPPOSITE of the truth.


Be the "Autists" we know you are.


Perceive truth from lies.


Perceive LIGHT from DARKNESS.

RaAnon ID: d7067e Your Jedi Mind tricks dont work here :) Feb. 19, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.436004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5554 >>8470 >>2094


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You do realize people can track you?

It certainly took you guys long enough to come up with an answer.

EM, is indeed, a Cabal shill of magnitudes most do not understand, just yet of course.

There is a massive dis info campaign being launched regarding what I speak.

EM is preparing the global consciousness that terminator AI is coming, because SpaceX's plans (and this is widespread knowledge) is to build AI drones, which will be inevitably for policing.

If you think, for one second, that this TREASONOUS SHILL of a FRAUD, has anything good for humanity? You are truly WRONG.

Look at the DIRECT CONNECTION between NK receiving it's tech from EM.

There is no conceivable way that any reasonably minded person would garner that this man has anything good planned for humanity.


All of his companies are FRAUDULENT LIES.

If you think for one second, that I will not BLIND YOU with the TRUTH OF LIGHT, you are sadly mistaken!

I fully understand how hard the evil forces are working to undermine the truth of liberty.

However... you are forgetting one thing.

"Flow of information and where it comes from"

EM, is also stating recently, his concerns because guess what? His puppet masters are watching this board very carefully and constructing every conceivable scapegoat. When the truth comes out, the equation was to reveal that "Trump and AI has been used to cause lies and havoc". This is all a LIE, and I am telling the ENTIRE POPULACE ahead of TIME. He already stated that he is concerned that AI is being used by the wrong people in small numbers. Guess what? A LIE. He is working with Google and other forces of evil who have the very AI he falsely tries to demonize.

You took WAY TOO LONG to try to formulate a retort. You also seem to forget one thing? You are forcing your opinion on me.


You are violating FREE WILL. Guess what, every single person on here is going to FULLY understand that YOU are a SHILL.


I however, still love you, and forgive you my child of light :)


There is only one link necessary, I will add it of course.



RaAnon ID: d7067e Go back to the drawing board clowns! Feb. 19, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.436419   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Go back to the drawing board.

See what you can come up with?

Maybe I already know ahead of time?

However, not likely much from this point forward. Too easy to debunk you, which has already been done.

There is truly nothing left to hide, the truth of light reveals all

You are CAST OUT!


Try not to tamper with Free Will. You have some karmic reaction headed your way!




Yet, I still love you, and forgive you my child of light :)

RaAnon ID: d7067e You should be concerned about AI! Feb. 20, 2018, 2:48 a.m. No.439527   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You SHOULD be concerned about AI.

People SHOULD read everything they can about it.

The reason this is backfiring so miserably against you, is because what I speak is highly classified. I am making the population immensely aware ahead of time. Please tell your puppet masters the same.





The MSM is programming you inversely to be afraid of what they have planned coming for us all.


People, read EVERYTHING you can, then come back to this and read my words. This IS REALITY. These people are LYING to your face, as they always have.


You are NOT helping yourself by posting here. People WILL discover the TRUTH. EM is trying to prepare the populace for the retort, which like I said, is going to be TRUMP. EM is absolutely planning to use the excuse against TRUMP using AI, to cause problems. Which as we all know my friends, the MSM and institution REVERSES Wisdom.


Do your own research my brothers and sisters of light! The one posting here is absolutely working with these evils, and trying to hide my knowledge, yet again, with misdirection.





RaAnon ID: d7067e Lol, the overthinking is strong in this one master! Feb. 20, 2018, 2:37 p.m. No.443933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4570 >>6361


Dude, for real, you're overthinking this shit way too hard. KEK, honestly man… I understand where you're coming from though.


I am a regular person, and I've clearly outlined the tactic from the Cabal is to blame trump hes using AI to do all this.


The person you need to fear is EM and spacex. I have given you guys mountains of evidence to support this.


You need to expand your thinking, like Q said


You have WAY more than you know

RaAnon ID: d7067e Dude... the key was already found! Feb. 20, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.445782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friends, my allies, my children of light, my KEK's who think I'm a f#cking AI (LOL)

The key was found earlier today, by 1 of you beautiful autists.

The key, is the shape of the Vatican. It's Sigil magic, and also a truth hidden in plain sight (as the Cabal is famous doing).


Check out the spirituality thread, lots of info there.

And srsly... to all you mofos who think I'm an AI. I personally find it amusing and hilarious. I really do. Once again, I decided to unleash the power of the mind. Do some research on the pineal gland, and remote viewing. Maybe grab a copy of Ingo Swanns "Penetration"

Remote viewing is very real.

It's a secret the deepest levels of gov't cherish.

Anyone can do it, if you learn how to train yourself.

That's exactly how I am considering all possible angles of the Cabal before they launch an attack.

Computer AI? It's useless against a human mind who has mastered remote viewing. AI's are computers... and they can only reference digital data. Everything we input on here can absolutely be used and computed by AI. However... AI lacks one thing, imagination. Imagination, is constructing parallels of information that haven't been presented yet.

Do your research my friends!
