Anonymous ID: f258e2 April 17, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.1077144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3155


We are here to choose. Service to self, or service toward others. We are here to learn. Our ancient teachings have been stolen from us. We are being harmed by half teachings. There is evil and good in all. We must all balance our evil and good together, in unison. We must not interfere with another soul attempting this balance. It must arrive at its own conclusion, in its own path. Just like Q here, giving us riddles to solve.


We are beautiful, all beautiful. Television and movies engage our feelings and have been polarizing one theme, to make evil normal. To make evil acceptable. Remember the movie the Karate Kid, when we liked the kid and we cheered him on when he got into a fight with that bully. The bully was actually the Karate Kid!


That story has been played over and over again on the most massive scale imaginable. We all cheer and love the criminal. We disdain justice.


Disney preprograms our beloved children with pedophilia symbols.


I have come farther today than any other day in my life. Choose what makes sense. Good or Evil. Stick with it. By 6th density we are all in service to others on the positive orientation. We all get there eventually!


You can be evil and still be good in your own mind. Robin the Hood was also very famous from taking from the rich to give to the poor. He is loved by both orientations. We always forget to see the offenses, and the offended.


The way to follow your orientation is to follow love. Love the way you see it. Just remember that I will cut a bitch down who harms a child in my sight, and I will end your life if you harm my beloved children. I will go back to being a rock for a billion years to do it. As long as we are clear, you do you and Ill do me and we can all live together on that term.