I bet you could deep dream ANYTHING to break the algorithm. Just gotta keep it legible to hoomanz
tweak tweak tweak
did the thing
Had to.
But is it "reading" them?
Is it understanding context?
Why not just use Transfolks in memes, since it's probably comparing to images of right-wingers…
Been wondering about this…
GEOTUS is Commander in Chief… so does he count as "Military" in this context?
Melania… Miller or Parscale… and… Bannon?
I say Bannon because "Finishing what Breitbart started."
Also… he's already got the conspiracy label on him….
But in reality, it's probably Seth Rich, JFK Jr., and Bannon.
I have a feeling that part of what they're going to try to do is use the fact that CERN holds the rights to the World Wide Web, meaning the internet is subject to EU "speech laws".
Part of their tactic is to say you can't use images produces by other people without express consent first.
So… how much would you need to alter this so that the algorithm doesn't recognize where it came from?
Well, in Muh Defense, I just got the images and turned them into memes.
Notice that everything I posted was "unique", except for 2 that I've been peddling for about a year now.
I make variants because some folks prefer different styles, and frankly I get bored of seeing the same images reposted over and over again.
Start your own Project Veritas?
"So, Tim and others advocated to ensure that CERN would agree to make the underlying code available on a royalty-free basis, forever. This decision was announced in April 1993, and sparked a global wave of creativity, collaboration and innovation never seen before. In 2003, the companies developing new web standards committed to a Royalty Free Policy for their work. In 2014, the year we celebrated the web’s 25th birthday,almost two in five people around the world were using it."
It's CERN's to do with as it wishes.
Also, CERN hosted the first website… The K.E.K. hosted the first Japanese website.
Not a coincidence.
Or in other words, when you work for a company, the company owns your work.