Anonymous ID: 525c98 Nov. 2, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.3704580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'd like to think I have done my part.


First day of early voting - I gladly stood in line for almost 2 hours.


I have encouraged and enabled everyone around me to vote. I have informed everyone I could of the truth as to what is really going on in the world. In an informative and caring way - not to put down someones belief systems but to find common ground in that we are all slaves and serfs to the global power elite.


I have created memes where I could - and dropped notables whenever I would find them. Especially related to technology (my professional field of expertise)


If I was young enough to re-enlist in the Army - I would. It pains me deeply the sacrifices my brothers and sisters in arms, e.g. the boys and girls of the military, have had to suffer for the last 20 years of pointless, unnecessary, and useless wars with irrational rules of engagement.


I know everything must be on hold for the election. But after the election - I am really expecting things to actually happen. I need them to happen. Hopelessness is the most insidious state of mind a person can have.


Real people are suffering and dying. Good people. Kind and loving people. I have attended too many memorial services for too many people who lost hope in one way or another.


I know the polls are inherently flawed. I know the media lies. I have known this for as long as I can remember. I am holding onto the last little bit of hope I have left. For at least one more week.


Afterwards - particularly if the President's agenda becomes validated by the electorate which I am still expecting that it will—


Afterwards - I am expecting there to be some REAL changes - substantial and permanent changes. The pendulum of history constantly swings. We only have - at best - 6 more years of President Trump. Most people cannot see the pendulum of history is not swinging from left to right, from globalism to Americanism, but is actually swinging away from a new Dark age to a new enlightenment and renaissance.


We need a states' constitutional convention: Term limits, a balanced budget amendment, campaign finance amendment. abolishment of our current federal reserve system - all the common sense stuff the people want - but the global elites do not allow to happen.


I am expecting people to finally be held accountable. I am expecting the same level of justice applied to the global power elite as would be applied to me. (e.g. if 'I' committed treason 'I' would expect to face a firing squad)


I am kind of weary of the indeterminate and the cryptic and I am expecting results.


Anyway - I have done my part and will continue to do so.