Some sicko named Jeff flake was just on wolf Blitzer vehemently defending some generous old man named george Soros.
Obama was race baiting in his speech.
Fox showed Obama rally but not Trump rallies.
Cubans shouted down Obama multiple times.
Obama said they shouldn't be at his rally, they should go to the rally of the candidate they support.
But when leftists interrupt Republican rallies, he says they have free speech.
Obama was speeching today that one person (Trump) cannot decide who can and cannot be a citizen. It's unconstitutional.
Although that's what he was doing with the daca dreamer people.
The guy is discusting evil con man.
A shuk and jive piece of shit.
Looked like he lost a little more weight and his voice got a bit raspy.
I think he's doing coke again.
And why did most of the media ignore this event. It was just recent.