Anonymous ID: 78204d Nov. 2, 2018, 3:30 p.m. No.3705163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5351 >>5512

Requesting help, anons.

Have found possible Chinese ties & subversion at Stanford University.

I don't know if California FBI offices are clean.

I don't know who to trust, or even what agency to report it to.

Am just an older anon, not a lawyer or law enforcement, just stumbled on this

Maybe it's common knowledge and I was clueless about this

Just have a sinking gut feeling that something big is operating out of there.

Why is Ted Lieu funnelling $50k to Stanford?

As if we didn't already know the ports are corrupted on the west coast :(

Stanford is alma mater of Corey Booker, Steve Phillips, Susan Sandler, and they're all rabid Marxists, Phillips even comes out and says he studied Mao and Lenin.

If there is one single thing we've all learned here, it's that every single strand of the web is connected.

They use every other politispeak term for it, but it's a spiderweb.


Based Right


‏ @Based_Right

Replying to @carolynsuegentr @tedlieu @realDonaldTrump


Lieu is morally corrupt. Look at the campaign funds he funneled up to Stanford University. $50,000!


More sauce

"Originally from Cleveland, Phillips was a student radical at Stanford University in the 1980s, active in the Black Student Union.


Phillips was a regular writer for Unity, the newspaper of the League of Revolutionary Struggle (LRS). The 3,000-member-strong Maoist organization was the largest pro-China group in the United States at the time. The LRS was highly secretive and ordered most members to publicly disavow the organization. The Stanford branch of LRS was led by professor Gordon H. Chang (not to be confused with the anti-communist author Gordon G. Chang), who is now a member of Beijing’s main U.S. “influence operation” known as the Committee of 100.


Phillips, then active in Stanford Out of South Africa (SOSA), a group pushing for disinvestment from South Africa, told Unity in May 1985: “Some of the people who have played roles in organizing SOSA have been folks who’ve worked with Unity and take a Marxist-Leninist perspective. … It’s really exciting to see the principles of Marxism-Leninism being successful and making a difference."


“First, let me make clear that I come out of the Left. I’ve studied Marx, Mao, and Lenin. In college, I organized solidarity efforts for freedom struggles in South Africa and Nicaragua, and I palled around with folks who considered themselves communists and revolutionaries.”


After being accused of LRS membership in Stanford’s student newspaper, Stanford Daily, Phillips retorted that he had “no knowledge of the League’s involvement at Stanford and has not recruited for the organization.”


In 1990, the LRS split between a small faction called the Socialist Organizing Network and a majority faction called the Unity Organizing Committee. Phillips became a supporter of the latter group, which specifically set out to infiltrate the Democratic Party.




Alphabets, I know it's after 5 on Friday afternoon, are any of you still here? Help a patriot out, please?