Couldn't keep him away.
Rats fleeing a sinking ship.
Working about as well as invading Russia worked out.
Why is fake bullshit fake, you mean?
Dinesh is the best argument for legal immigration ever.
Rules are for little people.
Look! You need us Ds to keep the POTUS in check! You need us! Look how we saved you from Nixon!
Those are what we call "gang signs".
China already published that they are gearing up for a kinetic war with the west, so, seems kind of timely to me.
Former. Sad.
Fuck kind of country we have when we can't take a proper census of how many people are here legally, and how many are here illegally, for fear of hurting the illegal alien's fee fees.
Whoever runs against Trump in 2020 will have to be someone with zero future political ambitions.
Okay, seriously, that fucking guy in the long sleeve blue shirt is hinkey as fuck.