A forced move is a Zugzwang.
No, a zugzwang is when you are in a good position, but any
move you make weakens your position. That forced move is a zugzwang.
Zwischenzug is more than just a "between move." It signifies
a move that - if it were not made - the "obvious" or
"expected" move would not be (as) good. The Zwischenzug
changes the complexion such that the following move
is not very powerful. Zwischenzugs are often turning points
in games.
not now
Ginsburg was in Hanoi on SD dime. SD has set up educational program to both teach uni in VN as well as bring VN scholars to US. Largest outlay of $$. Two groups: VN Education Foundation and VN Edu Fund. Not the same thing. Foundations are used to launder money, we know from previous.
Not much beyond that.
Oh, and shills out the ass. Mostly they are the "this time of day" shills we are used to. I won't go into details of which ones they are, but you'll recognize them if you bother to look for them.
I was candidate master in Europe in the 1980s and I have beaten SMs in the US and once drew an IM, so go fuck yourself and learn the meaning of the words. Zugzwang means exactly what I posted. It translates to "compelled to move," and basically, you'd rather stay in the position you are in. Whether it requires a resignation or not depends on more than that. Did I mention you should go fuck yourself?
>>371146 The in-between move is the Zwischenzug. I defined it above. This wanna-be chessfag is disputing things known to real chessfags and doesn't know how to use search engines to see that he's wrong.
Oh, and "am rated" guy, everyone in the US who plays in USCF events is rated. In Europe, you have to win or nearly win a few tournaments before you're rated. Did you catch that you can go fuck yourself? Please KYS when you're done fucking off.