Anonymous ID: 164109 Nov. 2, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.3708006   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Godolphin 2nd /G2 Lord of UK cont…

Previous anon linked Godolphin to “Tavistock (Soros)”, Gunpowder Plot (False flag in UK for religious control), and Obama - Subud.


G2 Wed into Winston Churchill’s ancestor family, in 1698 married Henrietta daughter of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough.


Godolphin 2nd started a famous “Foundling Hospital” that took control of abandoned children. (Pedo factory?)

His daughters wed Duke of Newcastle and Duke of Leeds. Duke is rank under “Prince” Prince under King.


Godolphin 2’s dad Sidney (1645-1712) was Lord High Trea$urer from King Charles II to Queen Anne of UK. His Coat of Arms contained the ancient double head Eagle. Eagle is a raptor of the reptile lineage. Double head = DNA? Replication?


Godolphin I (G I) was a “favorite” of King Charles II (boy friend?). He was granted all the Tin mines in Cornwall = $$$.

G I’s dad was Sir Francis (1605-1667) to whom the odd book “Leviathan” was dedicated.


In the Bible “Leviathan” was a reptile like sea monster. Origin of the word means a “wreath/ circle twisted in folds”. Back to DNA and Ouroboros (serpent biting its tail) which links back to discovery of the carbon ring which was the beginning of organic chemistry.

The book “Leviathan” intros the Socialist political model of Globalism.


Sir Francis’ dad was Sir Wm Godolphin (1567-1713) Who sat in Queen Elizabeth Tudor’s Parliament and wed a Sidney (the family that sponsored John McCains family to the new world - USA). And descended from the Killigrews - pirate assassin clan during Queen Elizabeth and her King dad’s Henry VIII time.


A lot of today’s current tangles go back to the Tudors, a Welsh usurper clan that wed a French princess Queen. French royal families count back as progeny of Jesus and Mary Magdalene by some storylines. Jesus was trained as a child in Egypt. The Tudors wed the Stewart’s who count back to Pharoah’s daughter “Scotia” (Scotland) as their royal bloodline.


Trump on his mother’s side, MacLeod, descends from the same “Scotia” line that the royal Stewart’s do. The MacLeods escaped to the isolated Hebrides Isles during the Highland clearances when the UK’s German-Dutch royalty (“Windsor” aka Saxe Coburg Gotha) was trying to wipe out the Stewart Celtic bloodline.


“Donald” is Celtic for “Clan CHIEF”.