Ithis paint job is perfect. As long as it comes with the turrets and the golf course.
Oh, we're doing night crew shower thoughts this hour?
Here's mine: When I was a kid (12-15ish?) I was reading about revolution 1.0.
It was interesting to me, and i went ahead and wished (careful!) I'd been alive to experience revolutionary times. I didn't exactly expect that wish to get granted, nevermind granted as an adult, without the rosy kid-glasses to put on anymore.
Do I regret it? Fuck no :D
You have more lurking to do. I mentioned revolution 1.0, and now, specifically.
Nothing about WW2.
The best part of the blue wave trickled into bezo's underoos and down his pant leg..
Or is that yellow stream?
You ok? You're uh.. trying to pick a fight for no reason ;)
I'm not a democrat either, fwiw.
Good day.