Understand how special forces/covert ops work. "Force multiplier."
If I was going to fight against the State, well intentioned as its employees may be, I would take my training and impart it on groups already adversarial to the State. If I was part of a clandestine network, I would work to integrate them with clandestine funding methods so that they could receive disproportionate incomes.
First targets would be other illegal groups. In other words, I would take gang-bangers and make them into effective killers. Then drive out rival gangs, secure drig trafficking or supply routes. Use to further purchase means. Setting up front companies for bogus contracts with google, apple, or other sympathetic slush fronts would be another avenue for securing funding.
This allows for the establishment of clandestine armies - partisan fighters and militants who are mysteriously able to afford endless wars. I, myself, have multiplied my force. The guns and bodies in the field know what I know (or… What I have deemed they need to know to achieve the ends I have specified). They act according to secrets I know, act to guard things I deem worth guarding, and can be used to employ any range of methods I know or am subsequently made aware of.
Operation Cyclone, when the CIA trained the Muslim Brotherhood in propaganda warfare and special operations tactics in order to turn Afghanistan into Russia's Vietnam.
Rinse and repeat in Central America… Except it shares a border with the domestic U.S. Clandestine ops based out of Central and South America have the potential to project force into the U.S. homeland beneath most defensive measures.
MS13 is not just a democrat enforcement arm. It is a special operations network of very similar structure, backing, and purpose to the Muslim Brotherhood. They are simply able to carry out most of their missions without an apparent use of military tactics. They can operate mostly subversively.