Anonymous ID: 75b235 Nov. 2, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.3709175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9229


You're not alone, the past 5 years it went from duplicate numbers to the past year, numerous times per day the tv or radio repeats everything I or my family members say or do. It started with just the same words and now has evolved to saying something while I'm doing something, example tonight I was cooking hot dogs and the tv said hot dogs, then I said to wife we needed shampoo and a shampoo commercial came on 1 sec later. This has been happening moar and moar frequently, like a 10-20 times every day as opposed to 1 or 2 at the start.

My spouse asked why and what does it mean already, and I told her I don't know but we're obviously tuned into something and it is so far beyond any kind of coincidence it's not even funny. I said by the looks of it the reality we are in must have other realities very similar and we are seeing and hearing that some how. Got me thinking that this is all but a matrix and we are not seeing the whole picture. Maybe as moar evil exits this realm the moar the curtain gets unveiled? Something is most definitely happening and I suspect it will start to be seen by those reading this as well, wwg1wga may be actually moar True than we realize. This is truth not fiction or shill/slide tactic, it's a fact.