Anonymous ID: faea08 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.3708756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8814 >>8858 >>8919 >>9116 >>9216 >>9261 >>9332 >>9430

>>3708536 prev bread, because I needed a few minutes to dig:


"Nexus Services CEO Mike Donovan, the group which is financing the lawsuit, was on Tucker. So we now know the face of the group claiming funding of the lawsuit of Illegal immigrants vs Trump."


Ah. THIS Mike Donovan, a convicted felon with a record as long as my arm.


"Court records show he has at least 10 convictions for crimes committed between 1998 and 2009, for either writing bad checks or obtaining money by false pretenses in places like Williamsburg, Winchester, Arlington, Newport News and Hanover County."


Mike Donovan, who was a campaign staffer for a former Virginia candidate for lt. gov of Virginia, Mike Signer:


YEP. The same Mike Signer who worked for the Center for American Progress and who worked with John Podesta on Barack Obama's State Department transition team.


This is absolutely amazing. Just read:


Get a load of this nerd, kek!

Anonymous ID: faea08 Nov. 2, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.3708790   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Buddy, you got it.

We wake up in stages, each anon indepedently.

It's all been about money from the beginning.

These "government servants" need nice fat offshore bank accounts to buy those 2nd homes and pad those portfolios. This is how they've done it for years, since before most of us were born.

Anonymous ID: faea08 Nov. 2, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.3708998   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, California and China are hand-in-hand already.

Found an obvious tie between Chinese professors and pro-communist student orgs at Stanford earlier today.

Stanford is where Corey Booker met Steve Phillips and Susan Sandler.

Sandler's billions admitted her to the same San Francisco progressive circles where the Dianne Feinstein and her husband were already grabbling millions from insider shipping deals with China.

Remember who now owns the Port of Long Beach.


Am sitting here watching Trump at War right now (WATCH IT, ANONS) cautioning about the risk from China, which openly states it wants to overtake the United States by 2049, which is a significant 100 year anniversary for China.


Little wonder Hillary and all the rest of the idiots have kept pointing hysterically at Russia.

Not that I trust Russia, but we could use Russia in our camp against China.


The risk is enormous, and everyone needs to know about it.

Anonymous ID: faea08 Nov. 2, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.3709116   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Take a look at the shirt Donovan is wear in the pic. Logo says "Libre".


Libre by Nexus is making a damn fortune off immigrants.

That's his skin in this game.


"Virginia-based Libre by Nexus lists 22 offices across the country and claims to have served over 7,000 clients since it started doing business in 2014. The company operates as part of Nexus Services, a corporation whose chief executive, Michael Donovan, ironically served seven months in 1999 for fraud charges because he was not able to post a $45,000 bond.


According to Libre by Nexus, their mission is to reunite immigrant families but a a review of dozens of court documents and interviews with Libre’s clients, former employees, and immigration lawyers, conducted by Univision News raises concerns over how the company deals with undocumented immigrants.


Libre’s business model has been criticized in the past because of the disproportionate costs that their clients have to pay. But a recent press release issued by the company itself revealed that they are under investigation by the Attorney Generals of three states: New York, Virginia and Washington."


Mike Donovan and Nexus are bail bond and loan sharks.


"To post an immigration bond payment has to be made in full and in cash. A second option is to go to a bail bond agency that requires collateral to post the bond.


But undocumented immigrants rarely have the full amount of the bond or any property to use as collateral. Libre by Nexus works as a middleman between the bail bond agency and the immigrant. The company provides the collateral in case the immigrant fails to appear in court, which would result in the bail bond agency losing its money.


Like Santana, thousands of detained immigrants who find themselves in a desperate situation reach out to Libre by Nexus so they can stay out of prison."


The whole dirty story:

Anonymous ID: faea08 Nov. 2, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.3709397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Addenda to Mike Donovan.

There's more to this. Ya'll put the drinks and bongs down and read. If I can do this thru vodka tonic, you can do it too.


Donovan worked for Mike Signer's campaign:

Classic progressive record, down to the PhD from Berkeley.


Back to this dig by Univision, on Donovan's Libre nonprofit:


Libre was donating money to candidates who opposed sanctuary cities, because sanctuary cities interfered with their business model:


"From 2015 to 2017, Libre by Nexus has contributed to political campaigns of republican representatives that have supported tougher laws on immigrants, according to a analysis done by Univision News with data collected from, a website that keeps records of political donations.


In 2015, Nexus Services donated $5,000 to then-candidate David Albo. Representing Springfield in the House of Delegates of Virginia, Albo introduced a bill in 2007 that would allow local police to arrest undocumented immigrants, something only federal agents could do at the time.


In 2017, Nexus Services donated a total of $17,000 between nine republican candidates and five democrats. Every republican candidate voted, in 2017 or 2018, to pass the bill that would prohibit the establishment of sanctuary cities.


Rick Nagel, a former employee who is now suing the company, told Univision these contributions might be related to Nexus’ other business: bail bonds. Nagel said they donated to candidates that would support the bail bond industry."


Donovan's not so much political as he is just greedy.


This circles right back to what we've all learned: this isn't Democrat vs. Republican, it's greedy grafters vs. normal decent people.


Donovan is neither normal nor decent. He's suing because he stands to make a fortune off a bunch of exploited "immigrants". Could not be plainer.