You have no clue what you're doing do ya? Just following that narrative that you're paid to do.
You're desperate in wanting to be somebody important, a decent person but here you are trying to develop hatred for groups of people.
You sound like a useless idiot and we're all laughing at you.
As far as Jew-hatred, Muslims take the cake because they are born with it, taught it and Muslim children are encouraged to hate Jews. Most never meet one.
As for you, you fucked your sister because you couldn't get laid until you were married. You had to be "pure" for marriage. Somebody found out about your sister not being a virgin and she set herself on fire and killed herself, because you couldn't keep your dick in your pants. Fucking scum Muslim Filth just following the 5 authenticated Hadiths guarded by the top clerics in Egypt.
Your prophet was a whore according to Bukari. Burkari was an evil son of a bitch after momo stole his wife .. or was it his sister. Yeah, Mo couldn't keep his dick beneath his skirt. He had to fuck everything - he even fucked dead people. It's in the hadiths!!