Anonymous ID: 4da174 Nov. 2, 2018, 11:06 p.m. No.3710778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0805 >>0809 >>0811 >>0840 >>0884 >>0894

The SAROPS system shared previously is at least 15 years old:

Intel Core Duo, Intel Pentium?

Display Properties: Greater than 256 color depth?

WindowsXP?(WindowsXP is a 32bit OS)


This(public info) is ancient tech!


I worked at a shop which used Finite Element Analysis(FEA). This tech was developed by NASA, then made open sauce. Common analysis is physical and electrical analysis, but there is no limit to the system this method can be applied to.

What Finite Element Analysis allows us to do is really amazing. Think simulation of how a model will perform under millions of scenarios. End result? Your model is only limited by the number of simulations humans can think of.


Today, this system would most likely be running on a cluster, like the data center Q shared, with 64bit address space:

32 bit addressable memory: 4,294,967,296

64bit addressable memory: 18,446,744,073,709,551,616


Think BIG models!



When Q said "every scenario planned for"?


Not hyperbole.


Shadilay, Frens!