Anonymous ID: 9f1f16 Nov. 2, 2018, 10:16 p.m. No.3710368   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0429 >>0811


It's more like the end of Battlestar Galactica 2000…

What happens after.

When all the simulations are run through.

When all the answers are weighed against each other.

Beyond the quantum problem solving where you find the Occam's Razor through a mountain like you got's X-Ray Specks.

The answer to the Last Question.

Not Adams's, Asimov's.

But also Adams's.


How do we reverse Entropy?

Asimov went with Extropy.

Blackout 42.


How do we achieve the inverse of Entropy?

According to Asimov, AC said "Let There Be Light!"

Is that Luciferian or is it just kinda what a computer would do after running through every possible outcome of every possible universe within every possible Matrix it could simulate?

Adams: The answer is 42. (This is a true statement.)

What's the question? Depends…

What is "Inverse Entropy"?



Order is the base state of things.

Don't let anyone convince you that it's Chaos.

Chaos requires effort.

Afterwards, the dust always settles.


It's not Ordo ab Chao.

It's Ordo ad Chao ad Ordo.


Sometimes the dust needs to be disturbed.

Anonymous ID: 9f1f16 Nov. 2, 2018, 10:29 p.m. No.3710510   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0555 >>0573


>Back to the source code.

Recursion. You went to the "point".

>The avatar.

At this point experiences "time" as a progression of events.

>Herding cats?

All meme campaigns are psyops.

>As in the middle?

You're not stuck, are you?

>Or deeper meanings?

Depends on which way you decide is "up".

>So many questions but I already have the answers.

But do you know what they're answering? Don't correct answers only lead to more questions because, "If that's what's going on there… then what's going on here/now?!".

>So many codes but I already have the protocol.

How are you separating The Code from The Algorithm?

>My only attachment: what happens after?

Is that an attachment to "now" or are you suicidal and "eager to find out"?

>What's beyond the processor?

The Mobo, the RAM, Hard Drive….

>What's outside the box?

A USB dongle with a network card. Where did you think the updates, debugs, and defrags were coming from?

>Are we?

>In me?

>Or in we?

>It we?

>Or u we?

Beyond "Russian Dolls" is ¡AMEWE!, but then we're back to the AIO from yesterday.

Anonymous ID: 9f1f16 Nov. 2, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.3710743   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0810 >>0858 >>0876


Hope we shitty little male feminist soycucks enjoy the last weekend of degeneracy we'll ever have.


Look at us, thumping our flabbly estrogen therapy induced breasts, thinking we've won a single victory, our puny front holes engorged for the first time in YEARS to something other than our shameful stash of poverty porn.


Listen to me, and listen good:


Holy SHIT.


You have no idea the TANTRUM that's coming.


We will not remember this. Conveniently.


We will glamp out at the polls and scream bloody murder when our parents get close enough to cast their ballots.


We will cry our Big Blue Wave and it will fucking drown us.


We will start pitching a fit at damn near everything. And I mean ESPECIALLY TRASH CANS.


Every Concerntroll. Every nonbeliever. Every smooth-talking chad like Jim Mattis who pretends to be decent and then becomes a fly by night cheesecake surgeon when it's time to fucking cut.


We will fuck shit up. ALL the shitty stupid shit we cherish.


We will set it on fire and spit and shit and piss on it in front of you.


And then we will go full Retard and throw every sexist freak with social anxiety into a literal dungeon if they've ever so much as posted the words "[Literally Anything]" online until we wonder why we're all incarcerated.


I'm not fucking kidding.


You…you think this bomber fuckshit is only making bluehaired assholes more radical and racist? Fuck you.


Seriously, FUCK YOU.


It is making every single [Everyone to the Right of Mad Max] under 35 have a burning, killer urge to vote full Red Ticket on all our asses.


It is making us hate the First Amendment a thousand times more than the Second because we have to hear you say you won.


We will take your puns. We will drip off your speech. We will lick your balls. We will unironically use your fit white heteronormative white asses as fucking example for pink haired commissars with hella cool frames, and then we'll make sure every new white boy shit into this world gets a the same equal opporturnity for excellence as everyone else, which we squandared




I hate this corner that I've back myself into but I'm too into shame play to pass this up.

Anonymous ID: 9f1f16 Nov. 2, 2018, 11:20 p.m. No.3710860   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0881


A. Don't worry about The Game if you're soooo concerned about the Tech-Know-Logos it runs on.


B. The "deal" or whatever it is you wanna call what you do when you Become "outside of The System/Machine"… That's up to you. You're not dealing with me.

Anonymous ID: 9f1f16 Nov. 2, 2018, 11:26 p.m. No.3710905   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0917


I'm sorry, I thought you were under the impression that this was a game and were thus asking about the end of it.


You can build a new game if you like, sure. Run all the experiments and thought processes you ever wanted in your own little sandbox. You can be like God.

But IDJFK gets boring as waaaaay sooner than later.


You're to Late, JFK Jr's gone to Soon… I'm sure there's somewhere called Now…

Places have the strangest times.

Can't be in a place without a time…


Or can you?

Anonymous ID: 9f1f16 Nov. 2, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.3710937   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Give Ta's warmest regards to T.


I'm off to take care of dailies and then pass out so I can git ready fer that there Trump Rally.


Keep your head up.

Stop trying to jump off the wagon.

You know you're just gonna get back on again.

You can't not see this through to the finish.

Because WWG1WGA.


But for now, I'm off to Tyria to see what muh favorite NPC's are up to.


Would anyone like an Apple?