Anonymous ID: a6492b Nov. 3, 2018, 12:16 a.m. No.3711143   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All caught up on the breads. Great day!! Great fucking year! I can not wait to see what the next on brings.


Lyrics for the ones who do not understands the screams:

Born into this life.

Where's my direction.

Given the freedom to make these choices for myself.

I face deception and I face temptation.

I'll face theses things every single day

Until the time I leave this world behind.

I don't know the time I will go and it's not for me decide.

The things I thought never would happen to me.

I just realize that it's not in my hands.

Second chances I can't expect and I won't expect.

When it's all said and done I will live.

I could die tomorrow so now I'll live for today.

I'll try to live my live so that I'll never wish I had a second chance.


MusicFag out.. Enjoy!