Husband: Swollen foot from shop accident. Doct said to watch for blood poisoning. Anti biotics no go. Out of work for a week because boot wouldn't fit from swelling. I made him toss down a 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric with a touch of black pepper in heated water. Next day: Swelling gone. Back to work within 15 hours of ingesting.
Dog: Snake bike. Dog wouldn't let us see. Found her foot water-bagged and wound festering into gangrene. Trapped her ass and applied topical antiseptic. Fed her yummy food with 1 tsp turmeric, no pepper, no hot water. Swelling gone the next day. Topical for a couple more days. Lowered dose but continued turmeric for about a week once a day. After that she was cleaning it and wound healed perfectly in 2 weeks.
Pet rats: Highly susceptible to a myriad of diseases especially upper respiratory infections. Chicken soup. Every time. Our pet rats live longer than most rats (and we let them get FAT).
Every time someone is ill - turmeric!
We don't take it all the time or cook with it, but when we need it lest we develop an immunity to its effectiveness. That's just an uneducated caution on my part.