Anonymous ID: 81ae2b Nov. 3, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.3713601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3642 >>3757 >>3826 >>4029 >>4044 >>4053

Inspired by Q's latest drops ref: "Stealth" illegal-immigration Take-Over Tactic. Did a little dig.


Presidential Executive Orders = Bush+Obama "Stealth Subversion"

"The End-Run"


GWB is the Fullback gets hand-off from QB > starts end-run > BHO is the Tailback swinging around behind GWB > GWB pitches out to BHO at the last second > BHO does the "End_Run" around The Constitution.

"Subversion by Executive Order" = Accomplished by Globalist Traitors.

Check this out:

1st - notice the titles of each EO Subtle change from GW Bush to Hussein.


Executive Order [13199] of January 29, 2001

"Establishment of White House Office of Faith-Based and [Community Initiatives]"

(Hussein - 1st amendment)(The "Community Organizer" remember)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Executive Order [13498]—Amendments to Executive Order [13199] and Establishment of the President’s Advisory Council for Faith-Based and [Neighborhood Partnerships]

(Hussein - 2nd amendment)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Executive Order [13559]—[Fundamental Principles] and [Policymaking Criteria] for [Partnerships] With Faith-Based and Other [Neighborhood Organizations]

  • Important - Notice the "Progression" just in the titles:

1: GWB - [Community Initiatives]

2: BHO(1st) - [Neighborhood Partnerships] = subtle change.

3: BHO(2nd) - [Fundamental Principles][Policymaking Criteria][Partnerships] [Neighborhood Organizations]


So, [in the titles], we see progression from [Community Initiatives] to "Partnering" w/ [Neighborhood Organizations]. I wonder who those neighborhood org's might be?


There's moar. Interesting Wording IN BHO's amendments. Check it out.

EO[13498] of February 5, 2009


  • Neighborhood Org. = Think - [Acorn][Planned Parenthood][BLM] Too many to name. dropped link to list of "Progressive" activist groups. Who was getting the money?

Aaanndd: Is this a [Neighborhood Organization]?

Hussein's - Organizing For Action (OFA) = "We’re community organizers, and we believe in the power of people."

But wait, there's moar. Wording of [BHO] EO Amendment [13498] (Sec. 2.) President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and [Neighborhood Partnerships].

(b) Mission. The Council shall bring together leaders and experts in fields related to the work of faith-based and [neighborhood organizations] in order to: identify best practices and successful modes of [delivering social services]; evaluate the need for improvements in the implementation and coordination of public policies relating to faith-based and other [neighborhood organiza- tions]; and make recommendations to the President, through the Executive Director, for changes in policies, programs, and practices that affect the delivery of services by such [organizations] and the needs of low-income and other underserved persons in communities at home [and around the world].

  • [And Around the World]? * - Wut?


Read the EO's - very enlightening.

Remember Hussein, "I have a pen and a phone."