Anonymous ID: 93ddc1 Nov. 3, 2018, 8:08 a.m. No.3713252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3292 >>3315 >>3323 >>3327 >>3351 >>3355 >>3375 >>3384 >>3394 >>3401 >>3447 >>3448 >>3457 >>3466 >>3481 >>3491 >>3510 >>3556 >>3564 >>3571 >>3591 >>3613 >>3616 >>3617 >>3661 >>3666 >>3725 >>3729 >>3730 >>3763 >>3771 >>3782 >>3797 >>3798 >>3804 >>3815 >>3882 >>3886 >>3903 >>4023 >>4030 >>4034 >>4036 >>4052 >>4077

Hope you shitty little wife beater racecucks enjoy the last weekend of normalcy you'll ever have.


Look at you, thumping your flabbly chests, thinking you've won a big victory, your puny dicks hard for the first time in YEARS to something other than your shameful stash of porn.


Listen to me, and listen good:


Holy SHIT.


You have no idea the HELL that's coming.


We will not forget this.


We will camp out at the polls and scream bloody murder when old white people get close enough to cast their ballots.


We will get our Big Blue Wave and it will fucking drown you.


We will start impeaching damn near everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.


Every Jesusfreak. Every libertarian. Every mealy-mouthed cunt like Jeff Flake who pretends to be decent and then becomes a fly by night rape apologist when it's time to fucking count.


We will fuck shit up. ALL the shitty stupid shit White America cherishes.


We will set it on fire and spit and shit and piss on it in front of you.


And then we will go full Stalin and throw every sexist freak with social anxiety into a literal dungeon if they've ever so much as posted the word "roastie" online.


I'm not fucking kidding.


You…you think this bomber fuckshit is only making skinhead assholes more radical and racist? Fuck you.


Seriously, FUCK YOU.


It is making every single Democrat under 35 have a burning, killer urge to go full Stalin on all your asses.


It is making us hate the First Amendment a thousand times more than the Second.


We will take your guns. We will gag your speech. We will kick your balls. We will unironically use your fat white heteronormie white asses as fucking footrests for pink haired commissars with hella cool frames, and then we'll make sure every new white boy shit into this world gets a prescription for estrogen as soon as they're a month old.





Anonymous ID: 93ddc1 Nov. 3, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.3713350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3364 >>3474 >>3573 >>3895 >>3920


At what point, God damn it, are the people who voted for him finally going to be held morally responsible for choosing him? When we ask them, "What the hell were you thinking?", when, at long last, will it finally be impossible for them to do or say anything in response except apologize?


Just admit it. You got tricked.


We won't make you look us in the eye.


We won't hysterically laugh at, what is without any shred of doubt, the embarrassment-induced redness in your face.


We just need you to say it: "I got tricked because I have a weak mind."


Admit it already, and just get it over with. Say it out loud: "I was weak minded and got tricked."


Just fucking admit it, already!

Anonymous ID: 93ddc1 Nov. 3, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.3713385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3398 >>3418 >>3443 >>3471 >>3511 >>3657 >>3745 >>3752 >>3877

Know the best part?


This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.








Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.


Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by Christmas.


Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.


Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!


He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)


Are you guys with me?






President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.




We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.


Congrats, babydicks.


You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.


Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

Anonymous ID: 93ddc1 Nov. 3, 2018, 8:43 a.m. No.3713605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3632 >>3677 >>3789 >>3846 >>3964

I've been sick to my stomach for a while. My father actually fought and died for his country. I grew up without a father while the fat moron infesting the White House claimed bone spurs so he could screw hookers using his daddy's money. He conspired with Russia to steal the election so that he could enrich himself at the expense of the American tax payer…people who actually work for a living. Now I had to listen to this fat moron imbecile commit open treason today after doing it behind the scenes for over 2 years. I'm done…I want him imprisoned…I want his family that aided him imprisoned. Any decent American…any decent human being…should be openly condemning this. If you see anyone still supporting this traitor piece of shit…call them out. trump supporters should be publicly shunned and reviled. trump needs to go to prison…impeachment really isn't enough. And fuck Pence too. I'm not buying that these assholes won the election fairly anymore.