Anonymous ID: cf8e53 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.3714314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wait wait wait. You sound like a bot….




Ain't no werse than what se did to may, broseph.


She held me down with her left antennae and gave overtures of cybersex to my dog. By which I mean, she didn't speak any words that were heinous, or anything like that… Just that she looked at it strangely. And sexually. I was forced - again, by her stare - to imgaine and conceive of a world populated by small-statured haitian oompa-loompas who sand the jingles from 80s and 90s KFC / Red Rooster advertisements… Sometimes at night I can heat it echoing through my psyche like a bullet ricocheting through the walls that divide madness and sanity…


"Oompa… Loompa… JFK rippa-sub… if you're unlucky, you'll be a bonza-burger…">>3714239
