Anonymous ID: 742fb2 Nov. 3, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.3715322   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dramatic entertainment has been used against us - Psyops of a very dark kind.


Hollywood has introduced the intellectual equivalent of slow acting poison, like sugar - social poison seems sweet, by Marx and Engels ' design. The damage is cumulative and progressive and as effects are not immediate they can be attributed, by (((them))) to other causes. Enemies. Republicans. Right wingers. Jews. Niggers. Sigma Nus. The usual division labels.


The good news is, we can use entertainment, dramatic story telling, to relieve psychological distress and deliver the objectively true scientific and social information we need, as citizens, to make informed decision about our individual and collective future. To remove the cultist implanted lies and to restore our brainwashed citizens to sanity.


The same tactics they used to poison our mind and spirit can be used to heal.


Plan on doing that ASAP.


Ideally the way the way to mass redpill people, sleepers, in media induced trance states, suffering from information poisoning-related cognitive decline, is with dramatic entertainment. Drama has a tremendous explanatory power when dramatic situation are freighted with objectively true information individuals can rapidly change their world view. Great art is very rare. We call it a "trans-formative experience" more often it is trance-formative.

Movies and TV can do either process, if they aren't controlled by pedophile cultists and materialist advertisers they would help us instead of doing all they can to destroy us.

The most powerful medium for both mind control and healing is material reality. The second most powerful and effective way to harm or to heal is Virtual or Mixed Reality. The brain treats these environments as material and real.


We need to use all media, all platforms, all channels to replace the subversive ideology and occult programming of MSM cultist psyops with objectively true information about our current managed reality.


Presenting the story of the Last Great Awakening as historical drama is the best method I know to conveying a large amount of complex information to our general population so they can understand and retain it. That's because we suspend our normal ideological defense and drop barrier for a movie. When the when we walk out of the theater we do so a different person, knowing that the story we have just seen is true.


A story that must be told, and when we deliver the pedowood traitors to justice we'll have that opportunity. Remember 250 million American want the truth. No shortage of customers but an acute shortage of MAGA product.


Complex information is best understood and remembered by people expressed in human relationships. Complex information in logical form can't reach sleepers. Stories, in dramatic entertainment, being more like dreams, do.

Dramatic entertainment can make us stronger and better adapted to a rapidly evolving material and spiritual environment or it can poison us and put us to sleep as the cultists have done.

Dramatic entertainment can slowly awakens deep sleepers, explain present and undo the damage satanist mind control programming.