I haven't been able to See Bs posts for mo. Since there the best on Twitter its squelching the best.
When does this AT&T contract fight back against the censorship?
I haven't been able to See Bs posts for mo. Since there the best on Twitter its squelching the best.
When does this AT&T contract fight back against the censorship?
Was this a few years ago, when those tranny meth heads made the wrong turn or did this just happen? (I'm betting the prior)
Warning everyone there is a hard core Glowing Nigger Fag about, ignore / filter.
Yeh I like B too which is why I posted but the hate-tards want to divide. Your right KYS doesn't serve any good purpose.
Besides the Clowns who just disrupt it is important that people recognize people like B are very brave, they are exposed. In fact the whole Kekistand Army (Twitter) are the soldiers on the firing line.
I glad you are here, keep the faith.
could be an attempted infiltration op though I cannot imagine DS still have plenty of people still inside.