cool posts being deleted again for no good reason. neat. threads moving slow. everyone must be busy. huh.
daily reminder. people with low self esteem and ego issues think anyone who doesn't agree with them is a paid shill.
same same. i mean wtf assholes this is still h8chan. all this censorship bullshit is making it seem more and more like a psyop cult. we aren't dumb.
yea that was actually me like a month ago and i got banned for mentioning it kek.
the purpose of the board is a psyop. we are just useful idiots to fill in the gaps.
a few grams of weed? felony charge and life ruined, no problem.
I was the one who solved it a month ago and I just made a comment saying it's already been discussed. There is a way to have a mod edit a post in red text to say something like "warning dont post this or get banned next time" but an outright ban for that is bullshit.
well i hope that one did get banned bc that was spammy bullshit. i got banned for a random harmless post. this is retarded.