schlonged and made to live with that witch on crack, like Shia Lebouf with FKA Twigs.
Must be love!
Well, let me help you then.
Why would (((they))) appoint Putin as leader, if he was not one of (((them)))?
His whole history screams oldschool commie in disguise, KGB dude and shit.
Forgot to mention KGB dude during the great purge in Russia!
What does that tell ya, why did he came up so fast in the ranks?
Russian commies were the prosecutors of everything thats good! Many More Christians died than "zionists" in that time. You are factually incorrect.
It got slightly better after the great purge because there was almost nothing left to purge.
(((Putin))) is controlled opposition, the real enemy is you and your children.
too biased. There are many good and bad actors in every nation, every religion etc.
Does not mean that there is no hirarchy f.e. some religions do better for building a civilization others to conquer.