mkfag here. it has come to my attention that some of you are realizing your spouse/significant other may be MKultra. It is okay, telling them doesn't work, it only upsets them. other than that, do you have any questions I could answer?
silence is actually the best answer. address the temple (the body/mind) directly. call it the temple literally, while touching the upper right arm (the bicep area). touch this area and tell them the temple is okay. they may freak, but don't push it. answer questions, but try to be silent.
Yes. We are going to get it through this process I hope
its all good, not gonna do alot with it.. hopefully fixing whatever problem was in the ether right here right now.
i think we all do. that is natural. read my post on this thread, which is mostly a reference to project monarch. if you think your friends are not just 'normal' mk, but possibly a part of something more sinister, you can help deprogram; especially if you feel called to do this work.
maybe this wasn't for you lol.. get over it. the answer is to be present with people. I dont think that is a shit answer. what do you want me to say?
what do you mean, free to administer justice? you sound like a fucking cook or the FBI asking questions like that.
yes. it is a trigger reason and i gave you a trigger word which you wont find on the internet. I thought that was pretty good actually, you obviously dont know how mkprogramming works
you will become the handler of their program. not that you should have this information, you sound pretty aggressive. knowledge is power. some people shouldnt have it. lol
yea. i actually use mk as a replacement word for project monarch and always end up in this conversation, but you are right about that.
the owner is irrelevant, that is why we need to shut down the programs, but i guarantee there is not an owner in hte person's life. the best answer about being an inexperienced handler is trying to be quiet so you don't give commands u necessarily, dont try to be a handler, just be present and you will 'handle' it organically.
i did answer every one of them, you just didn't like my answers.
yep. they will self-dagnose MPD. you are on the right track. good work.
temple is the trigger word, along with the trigger region, which is this right bicep. You are quiet afterwords so that you don't handle the person with your projections and internal bullshit. Just don't try talking to them about the program directly, be a good listener/interpreter. Yes actually, you want to trigger them and then let the organic/magicaly/natural self take care of the rest. Touching the arm+using the word is like doubling up on the effect, that is all, either one, used by itself could work, but why not use both?>
Yea. Go for it. I will check it out.
Trust yourself. You are doing good work and probably deserve a PhD. This conversation is the best link I got :) the internet is full of basic information, but experimentation at home is extremely valuable at this point. You are cracking the code with your heart/mind keep it up.
Yep. If the person is unaware, just use the bicep region and be reassuring. Yes, it will work out naturally if you don't try to "be the handler". I wouldn't bring it up, at least I never had success with that. A relief valve is a good way of looking at.