I posted this last night and it was totally ignored. I think this may be a huge mistake on our part.
I just came across this guy on Twitter. They signed onto Twit in Sept and had 22 followers when I discovered the page. Now up to 25.
Im bringing them here because I really think we may need some eyes on this one. It appears they may be dropping KEYs, but to what Im not sure of. Maybe they will fit somewhere for some of you.
Here are the first 3 tweets they made:
RemoteD_NVA78471: Seth_Rich: noncompiledraw: 2Vrtl68s9e483NrAV227196jwsB462rjw
RemoteD_NVA78472: Jerry Chun Shing Lee/clintonemail: compiled: s14e476Wq457fgh17wK354alv24Narx14Qri64
RemoteD_NVA78475: CandaceMarieClaiborne/HRC compiled: S4578R146bav359N451qlcia4K57J369na4ale5
These are the most recent 3: (They have added 2 more since these)
RemoteD_NVA78669: Jennifer Park Stout / China. raw noncomplied 67a6s26g2w6q4h3ykup63sa6w34r9d6ns36w4H
RemoteD_NVA78689: Cheryl D. Mills / Treason. Compiled 69e6g4s6e23694a364der369H345691s36e2d156e
RemoteD_NVA78474: Laura Silsby / HRC / Jorge Puello Torres: Human Trafficking Compiled opfe45wh69a3f2K62436W36a2h6e691s3h9e6t2vb3u6k
The 2 newest tweets as of today:
Soros (global chaos) "Russia Project Strategy"
(This takes you to a 10 page PDF titled Russia Project Strategy, 2014- 2017)
Most recent tweet is pic related: Go for operation Happy Bear
Check out who they follow also. First one they followed was NSA. Then it is all like DOJ, FBI,CIA, etc.
Sauce to their page: https://twitter.com/floor_7th