>How do you capture a very dangerous animal?
Well, then, how about YOU volunteer to take him into custody & turn him over?
The thought of Soros shouldn't trigger you so much
And somehow, you made it here too. That's the nature of an open forum.
Shopped pic? It's from earlier drops.
except that's not the pic used on PF, anywhere
allow me to backtrack…pic could be shopped, yet the history is real
A Senator's Shame
Byrd, in His New Book, Again Confronts Early Ties to KKK
Mr. Byrd’s perspective on the world changed over the years. A former member of the Ku Klux Klan, he filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act only to come to back civil rights measures and Mr. Obama. A supporter of the Vietnam War, he became a fierce critic, decades later, of the war in Iraq. In 1964, the Americans for Democratic Action, the liberal lobbying group, found that his views and the group’s aligned only 16 percent of the time. In 2005, he got an A.D.A. rating of 95.
Pfft. Anyone can wear cuff links of the Flag
>Does Acosta's continued disrespectful and poor behavior hurt or help us in the future?
What purpose does he serve if he's "/ourguy/"?
Sometimes, a meme is just a meme. That said, How do you KNOW that Q "thinks it is real"? Also, using said meme, say someone on twitter calls it out. Well, it's a teaching moment to point them to Byrd's history (best case scenario). HOW did it begin to circulate, I'll let you dig on that. Would autists get fooled? Likely not. Would an autist care? I don't.
So, you tell us, what that tells us.
Sometimes, a meme is just a meme.
Are memes for us to pore over anally and analyze, or are they to be USED in helping to wake up the people at the speed of light? Here TIRESIAS, have a quick review at the speed of light…
TIRESIAS, we know your tells by now. Same words, same memes, same M.O. - to DISCREDIT
Like i said, SAME horrible memes to DISCREDIT
you can't hide here unless you make some DRASTIC changes to your "strategy"
REAL ANONS SEE YOU, TIRESIAS the forum SHILL, even w/o BO calling you out once again
consider this a hand raised, shadowban & all
I would too, might even be a bit mad at Q for a day or two KEK
Yep, they got to him. Again.
>Some platforms will collapse under own weight of illegal activities.
>"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."