Try to enjoy Indian Pow WoW? Gud time5 til??
[I. Jdkkdx #4800] (+)? Sr. Deputy? Sheriff? Ⲧcϛherrrriiifff..or₲
Dyd officer allow per5on to blow no5e on me beca5ue black man 5itting with nonblack woman?
MAGA right?
Dyd [I. Jdkkdx] unequivocably 5tate 5neezing on another per5on on purpo5e i5 not a crime involving exchange of bodily fluid5? [I. Jdkkdx #4800] not know Smart watch record audio legal?
They know it 5ound REAL bad when officer 5tate on audiovo he not doinf anything although he acknowledge crime and my right to pur5ue if I worded my an5wer5 to hi5 leading que5tion5 correctly?
So crime happen? and you do your be5t to avoid ju5tice? I fight for right5 of all? and refu5e to have 5omeone put ther hand to ther no5e 5o that they can expell mucu5 from no5trill5 onto my per5on?!
1917 guud number5? Agency iffy? Au5tin Ftate Fuppoerted Fiving Center5 need audy5? Why 5o 5ecretive about who they are? Why their "5upervi5or" not full hone5t? and acco5t me for trying to figure out who their unmarked van5 belong to 5o complaint be lodged able? Supervi5or but no name or contact infor5????
Shall we RALLY or RED PALLYS for [XXXXX'5] leader5hip of ravished county?
I a5ked for 5omething 5imple thi5 i5 the re5ult? So now I a5k for 5omething 5imple louder? Need external audy5? Vote for propkkkk? Wehy Autit5 fraid of external vroom vroom audi5 gud vehcle, internal audi5 cramped cant vroom?
Ble❌it 4 real but 5not upon by over black5? A5 cop wrong hawk come? Gud thing I a5k for 5ecurity and SHERRIF to a55i5t? 5ecurity actually fucking epic [I. Jdkkdx] not 5o much but there til fine tonight?
Have a nice day!
Ye5! All letter5 vid exi5t me pow wow! All leter5 no already me. Allnet5 watched,node at 5treet lvl tapped fiber. ro5e crux no of metinism. FMbuilder no of me in high degree. Shadowed finger5 touch u5 daily. Still USMC and MIL keep We 5afe. Love America We do! We fight 5till even facedeath,racizm, economic di5pare, and hate. Still We Love! Still We try! I CRY(lit) 4 America land that I LOVE!
Apologies that R true go a long way for 4gifness? GloWURMS? ASSLS? BLV? How far must I look?
gune5hlerin ofke5i protocol activated? Pi55ng off with halfp asped leadership? one make want enter POLITICS!! Hunted 4 year5 by letters now I stand?!! Made me vote StrAight ticke t rRED?!! First time!?