Did Bannon win the Munk debate on populism?
Last night there was a lot of excitement about Bannon changing peoples opinions about populism in this debate, from 70+ opposed before the debate to 50+ in favor after the debate.
I watched it. Bannon was amazing, particularly in the opening argument where he opening exposed the corporate permanent class for the defrauding of the American middle class in the 2008 economic crash and subsequent recession. It was obvious to everyone that he nailed it. Most of the boos and push back came later when ever Trump was mentioned, but his underlying arguments were sound, so I wasn’t really surprised by the initial results.
This morning, officials are back peddling saying that there was a computer “glitch” in the count tally and that there was actually “no change” in opinion from before the debate. I say bullshit. For one thing, people believed the initial results because there was little if any outcry from the audience. 58,000 views and only 61 downvoted it?