i never understood why the top Catholic wore a yarmulka.
then i found infinity chan! oy vey!
i never understood why the top Catholic wore a yarmulka.
then i found infinity chan! oy vey!
jfk (liz) jr
blexit redpillblek "aren't i hot"
Imma kikyor ass
bots can't meme all = autofilter - and many more. it is the only way i can keep up since Q posted. we were getting stuff done…. i mean welcome newfags fkn lurk moar
ty anon for voicing what so many lurkers are thinking
nice dig, notable. ffs.
Q is a team, Q is a military op, Q is a movement,
and you need to lurk moar. or GTFO. either one.
was wondering also… maybe UPS has not unloaded the crowd yet. and ? about logistics of bringing a crowd inside an airport.
>but at this point I cannot afford to waste my time and emotion on something that isn't coming to fruition.
<so i will use half your monitor to tell you…. cuz i am still here (3)
derp. yes, and dug, and still here. no one gives a flying fuck about my motivation, just my crumbs & my memes. and you are still here bcuz… the board needs another turd,
<actual shill? (3)