Anonymous ID: 77684f Nov. 3, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.3722241   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Head’s Up Florida: Andrew Gillum is Funded by Dark Money from Anti-US Sovereignty Billionaires Soros, Steyer, and Sandler


As the Democrat’s dark money machine continues to pour into competitive senate, congressional and gubernatorial races, corruption allegations and an FBI investigation are currently embroiling Florida’s ultra leftist gubernatorial candidate, Andrew Gillum.


With both Bernie Sanders and Former President Obama making appearances in Florida with Gillum in recent days, it would appear that the Democratic Party believes it is absolutely critical for them to secure this pivotal Governorship in Florida, a key swing state.


Soros, Steyer, and Sandler have provided large contributions to the Former Mayor of Tallahassee, either directly or through dark money pools, such as the ever-secretive and supra-leftist Democracy Alliance.


It would seem that Gillum has already been politically groomed to represent the Anti-American globalist goals of these internationalist billionaires.


Upon winning the Democratic Primary, Mr. Gillum told Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet the Press, “I’ll tell you, I’m obviously deeply appreciative of Mr. Soros as well as Mr. Steyer, both men whom I’ve known for some time.”


Gillum’s Campaign is also heavily funded by prominent California radical progressive, Herb Sandler vis a vie his financial involvement in Democracy Alliance, the leftist organization closely tied to his son-in-law, Steve Phillips.


Herb Sandler was thrust into the public spotlight when Wikileaks published The Podesta Emails in the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Elections. In the publication were a few highly controversial emails from both Herb Sandler and his daughter Susan Sandler to John Podesta, the Former Chairman of the Hillary Clinton Campaign.


According to the Epoch Times article ‘Steve Phillips: Meet the Mega-Wealthy ‘Marxist-Leninist Behind Four Potential Governors in November’:


“Democratic Party power-player Steve Phillips is behind the rise of four potential far-left governors who have already won their primaries.


The San Francisco attorney is a mega-wealthy self-identified student of “Marx, Mao, and Lenin” directing huge resources into socialist and communist-led groups, with the goal of putting his personal far-left proteges into governor’s mansions in Maryland, Georgia, Florida, and Arizona.


Phillips and his partners in the highly secretive group Democracy Alliance hope that by electing far-left governors into four currently Republican-led states, the drive to impeach President Donald Trump and destroy his “Make America Great Again” agenda will be accelerated. “

Anonymous ID: 77684f Nov. 3, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.3722270   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The U.S. "Cannot Win Militarily" In Afghanistan, Says Top Commander In Shocking Interview


Historians of the now seventeen-year old U.S. war in Afghanistan will take note of this past week when the newly-appointed American general in charge of US and NATO operations in the country made a bombshell, historic admission. He conceded that the United States cannot win in Afghanistan.


Speaking to NBC News last week, Gen. Austin Scott Miller made his first public statements after taking charge of American operations, and shocked with his frank assessment that that the Afghan war cannot be won militarily and peace will only be achieved through direct engagement and negotiations with the Taliban — the very terror group which US forces sought to defeat when it first invaded in 2001.


"This is not going to be won militarily," Gen. Miller said. "This is going to a political solution."


Miller explained to NBC:


My assessment is the Taliban also realizes they cannot win militarily. So if you realize you can't win militarily at some point, fighting is just, people start asking why. So you do not necessarily wait us out, but I think now is the time to start working through the political piece of this conflict.


He gave the interview from the Resolute Support headquarters building in Kabul. "We are more in an offensive mindset and don't wait for the Taliban to come and hit [us]," he said. "So that was an adjustment that we made early on. We needed to because of the amount of casualties that were being absorbed."


Starting last summer it was revealed that US State Department officials began meeting with Taliban leaders in Qatar to discuss local and regional ceasefires and an end to the war. It was reported at the time that the request of the Taliban, the US-backed Afghan government was not invited; however, there doesn't appear to have been any significant fruit out of the talks as the Taliban now controls more territory than ever before in recent years.


Such controversial and shaky negotiations come as in total the United States has spent well over $840 billion fighting the Taliban insurgency while also paying for relief and reconstruction in a seventeen-year long war that has become more expensive, in current dollars, than the Marshall Plan, which was the reconstruction effort to rebuild Europe after World War II.


Even the New York Times recently chronicled the flat out deception of official Pentagon statements vs. the reality in terms of the massive spending that has gone into the now-approaching two decade long "endless war" which began in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

Anonymous ID: 77684f Nov. 3, 2018, 8:35 p.m. No.3722352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2410

US Threatens Pullout From the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Which Survived Hitler but Not Trump


The United States is threatening to withdraw from two international organizations that survived World Wars I and II but may not survive the retrogressive neo-conservative foreign policy of Donald Trump. The world’s third-oldest international organization, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), founded in 1874 in Bern, Switzerland, has been informed by Washington of the US withdrawal. The United States became, under the administration of President Ulysses Grant, a founding member of the UPU.


The Trump administration, notably the rabidly-rightwing White House trade adviser, Peter Navarro, is upset over foreign government subsidies for certain postal authorities, most notably that of China, which reduces international parcel mailing costs to manufacturers and consumers. Rather than negotiate revised postal rates, through the auspices of the UPU, which was established to standardize the world’s postal system, Trump plans to leave the organization.


The Trump White House is also threatening US withdrawal from the second-oldest international organization, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), established by the International Telegraph Convention in Paris in 1865. The United States joined the ITU in 1908, during the administration of President Theodore Roosevelt. The two presidents – Grant and Roosevelt – who ushered the United States into the UPU and ITU, respectively, were Republicans.


Trump’s beef with the ITU is over the organization’s management of the international radio frequency spectrum and its movement toward managing international data bandwidth. Trump’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) members, notably FCC chairman Ajit Pai and member Michael O’Rielly, both of whom are owned and operated by America’s communications giants — including AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast — who want private industry, not government agencies, to set the rules for radio spectrum and bandwidth governance.


The flagrant racism of the Trump administration was on full display when the United States, for the first time in the history of its membership of the Geneva-based ITU, withdrew its candidate for chairman of the Radio Regulations Board (RRB), one of the governing bodies of the ITU. The RRB is key to the oversight and management of the global radio spectrum management, something that Trump and his business cronies want to milk for as much profiteering as possible.


The candidate dropped for RRB chair was board vice-chair Joanne Wilson, nominated by Barack Obama in 2014 to the board’s second-ranking position. Breaking with protocol, Washington not only dropped Wilson as chairman-designate but counteracted the ITU’s consensus that Jean Philemon Kissangou should be elected as the director of the ITU’s Telecommunications Development Bureau (BDT).


The Trump administration has threatened to cut off funding of the ITU, a move tantamount to withdrawal, unless the ITU selects Doreen Bogdan-Martin, a favorite of the scandal-ridden US Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, to be the next BDT director. Ross’s Commerce Department touts Bogdan-Martin as the first woman to head any of the ITU’s elected leadership roles in the organization’s 153-year history. However, the Commerce Department is lying. Ms. Wilson was slated to become the ITU’s first woman to be elected the head of an ITU body, the RRB.