Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.3722640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2647 >>3172 >>3288

$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says


A $145 million construction project was awarded Wednesday to build roughly six miles of border wall in Texas, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced on Friday.


The agency, in conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers, gave the multimillion-dollar job in the Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley Sector to SLSCO, CBP said in a news release.


Work on the project, also known by CBP as RGV-03, is expected to kick off in February, the agency said.


Among the anticipated work is the building and set up “of tactical infrastructure,” which includes “a reinforced concrete levee wall to the height of the existing levee, 18 feet tall steel bollards installed on top of the concrete wall, and vegetation removal along a 150 foot enforcement zone throughout the approximately six miles of levee wall system,” the news release said.


The area will also be equipped with detection technology and video surveillance, the agency said.


The Rio Grande Valley Sector has “high illegal cross border activity,” according to CBP.


“Once constructed, this levee wall system will serve as a persistent impediment to transnational criminal organizations, while still allowing river access for property owners, other federal/state/local officials, local emergency responders, and USBP,” the agency said.


“CBP continues to implement President Trump’s Executive Order 13767 – also known as Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements – and continues to take steps to expeditiously plan, design, and construct a physical wall using appropriate materials and technology to most effectively achieve complete operational control of the southern border,” the agency continued.


The announcement from the CBP comes as a caravan of Central American migrants makes its way toward the U.S.-Mexico border, and as Trump has unveiled plans to deploy troops at the southern border.

Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.3722664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3172 >>3288

The Best Way to Manage Slaves (And How to Avoid Becoming One)


“If you wish to keep slaves, you must have all kinds of guards. The cheapest way to have guards is to have the slaves pay taxes to finance their own guards. To fool the slaves, you tell them that they are not slaves and that they have Freedom. You tell them they need Law and Order to protect them against bad slaves. Then you tell them to elect a Government. Give them Freedom to vote and they will vote for their own guards and pay their salary. They will then believe they are Free persons. Then give them money to earn, count and spend and they will be too busy to notice the slavery they are in.”


~Alexander Warbucks


Who the hell is Alexander Warbucks? Nobody knows. He wrote this article, How I Manage My Slaves, back in 1978, and nothing before or since. For the purposes of this article, we’re going to break down his opening quote and discover ways to avoid slavery.


Basically, the best way to manage slaves is to convince them that they are free so that they don’t rebel against a corrupt system, and so that they diligently work for the system no matter how sick it makes them. This is one of those rare occasions where it is easier done than said.


And it’s being done, en masse, the world over. It takes the seemingly benign form of statism. But it is most definitely malignant in that it tricks people into slavery by lording comfort, security, safety and the illusion of freedom over their heads, and by being irresponsible with its overreaching power.


In short: the best way to manage slaves is to erect a state, and to declare that state almighty by forcing people to consent to its law and order no matter how unreasonable, unjust, or violent that law and order may be.


Statism creates massive societies made up of people who are mostly ignorant, lazy, cowardly and indifferent to political underhandedness. As long as they are comfortable, safe, and secure in their immoderate bliss they don’t care about policy. Because of such ignorance, laziness, and cowardice, statists (soft slaves) prefer the certitude of psychological chains over the ambiguity and tension of real freedom. Hence the proclivity toward soft-slave statism rather than the hard work of maintaining freedom.


Here are five ways to avoid becoming (or remaining) a soft salve…

Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.3722694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3172 >>3222 >>3288

EU targets the right and calls for total ban on ‘xenophopic’ organisations – Special ‘thought police’ to be created


The European Parliament recently voted for a ban on so-called neo-fascist and neo-Nazi groups in all EU member states. The resolution received 355 votes in favour and 90 against, and 39 abstentions.


“The Parliament is concerned by the increasing normalisation of fascism, racism and xenophobia and calls on EU states to ban neo-fascist and neo-Nazi groups”, the EU Parliament writes in a press release.


The text states, among other things, that “the lack of serious action against these groups has enabled the current xenophobic surge in Europe”.


MEPs argue, that there is a legal laxity towards “right-wing organisations” in some member states and that this is one of the reasons behind the “rise in violent actions, affecting society as a whole and targeting particular minorities such as people of African descent, Jews, Muslims, Romas, non-EU nationals, LGBTI people and persons with disabilities”.


The European Parliament also wants member states to set up special police forces to combat so-called hate crimes and hate speech.


And they want to bring even more action to counteract the spread of “fascism, racism and xenophobia” through the internet, in cooperation with social media companies.


Communist, Islamic, and left-wing organisations are not included and will therefore be allowed. All European right-wing parties have been called xenophobes, racists, extremists, fascists or Nazis by the mainstream media.

Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.3722864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3172 >>3288

Trump Slams Democrat Senator for 'Trying to Steal the Election' with Paid Ads


US President Donald Trump slammed US Democrat Senator from Indiana Joe Donnelly for allegedly doing "what Russia did" in his election campaign, saying that Donnelly was trying to "steal the election."


According to a recent poll by US TV channel NBC News and Marist Institute for Public Opinion, Donnelly, who has been serving as US Senator from Indiana since 2012, currently has support of 48 percent of voters, while his major Republican opponent Mike Braun is only two percent behind.


"Rumor has it that Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana is paying for Facebook ads for his so-called opponent on the libertarian ticket. Donnelly is trying to steal the election? Isn’t that what Russia did!?" Trump posted on Twitter.


On November 6, US voters will cast ballots to fill 435 seats in the US House of Representatives, one-third of the 100-member Senate and other local and state positions. The outcome of the 2018 midterms will determine if the Republican Party can maintain control of both chambers of Congress.


Washington has repeatedly accused Moscow of meddling in the 2016 presidential election in the United States, imposing several rounds of sanctions against Russia in reliance to this alleged meddling, among other issues. Russia has strongly refuted all allegations as unfounded.

Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.3722883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2957 >>3172 >>3288

‘Nurse’ Democrat Lauren Underwood Never Worked as a Nurse: Report


Democrat Lauren Underwood, 32, running for Congress in the far western suburbs of Chicago, has exaggerated her nursing career, pretending she worked as a nurse when she has never done so, a local newspaper reported Friday.


The Kane County Reporter dug into Underwood’s claims and found that while she had studied nursing and was a registered to practice nursing, “she never has, in Illinois, nor anywhere else.”


Instead, when she completed her education, Underwood worked for the Obama administration on Obamacare’s rollout — a project that was a disaster when it launched in 2013. (She now admits it was “not perfect.”)


She continued working for the Obama administration until the end of Obama’s term in 2017, then collected unemployment benefits before deciding to run for Congress, challenging incumbent Republican Randy Hultgren.


Underwood presented herself as a nurse in her campaign advertising — and the media largely swallowed the story.


A report by ABC News on Oct. 26 presented her as “a nurse who worked on the Affordable Care Act.” Time magazine reported on Friday: “Lauren Underwood’s Unlikely Congressional Bid Is All About Health Care.”


But the claim is just “part of the act,” according to the Kane County Reporter:


That Underwood never actually worked as a nurse— in college or after graduation— might come as a surprise to voters in the 14th Congressional District, now familiar with the torrent of television advertisements depicting her with a stethoscope serving patients.



She told Now This Politics, that, “as a nurse, I have looked into my patients’ eyes when giving discharge instructions knowing they cannot afford the prescription that we’re handing to them.”


According to her own biography, Underwood has never worked as a practicing nurse in a hospital, or in any setting where she would be discharging patients.


In her television advertisements, she has been regularly portrayed in “hands-on” nursing situations— ones her own biography also makes clear she has never experienced.

Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:33 p.m. No.3722977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3009 >>3154 >>3222

SLAVERY IN AMERICA: Who really owned and operated the slave trade?


Who Brought The Slaves To America?


By Walter White Jr., 1968


The story of the slaves in America begins with Christopher Columbus. His voyage to America was not financed by Queen Isabella, but by Luis de Santangelo, who advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats (about 5,000 pounds-today equal to 50,000 pounds) to finance the voyage, which began on August 3, 1492.


Columbus was accompanied by five ‘Maranos’ (Jews who had foresworn their religion and supposedly became Catholics), Luis de Torres, interpreter, Marco, the surgeon, Bemal, the physician, Alonzo de la Calle and Gabriel Sanchez (1).


Gabriel Sanchez, abetted by the other four Jews, sold Columbus on the idea of capturing 500 Indians and selling them as slaves in Seville, Spain, which was done. Columbus did not receive any of the money from the sale of the slaves, but he became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bemal, the ship’s doctor. He, Columbus, suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward. Betrayed by the five Maranos (Jews) whom he had trusted and helped. This, ironically, was the beginning of slavery in the Americas (2).


The Jews were expelled from Spain on August 2, 1492, and from Portugal in 1497. Many of these Jews emigrated to Holland, where they set up the Dutch West Indies Company to exploit the new world.


In 1654, the first Jew, Jacob Barsimson, emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam (New York) and in the next decade many more followed him, settling along the East Coast, principally in New Amsterdam and Newport, Rhode Island. They were prevented by ordinances issued by Governor Peter Stuyvesant from engaging in the domestic economy, so they quickly discovered that the territory inhabited by the Indians would be a fertile field. There were no laws preventing the Jews from trading with the Indians.


The first Jew to begin trading with the Indians was Hayman Levy, who imported cheap glass beads, textiles, earrings, armbands and other cheap adornments from Holland which were traded for valuable fur pelts. Hayman Levy was soon joined by Jews Nicholas Lowe and Joseph Simon. Lowe conceived the idea of trading rum and whiskey to the Indians and set up a distillery in Newport, where these two liquors were produced. Within a short time there were 22 distilleries in Newport, all of them owned by Jews, manufacturing and distributing ‘firewater.’ The story of the debauching of the Indians with its resultant massacres of the early settlers, is a dramatic story in itself.


It is essential to comprehend the seaport of Newport. It is important in order to recognize the Jewish share in the Slave commerce. There was a period when it was commonly referred to as ‘The Jewish Newport- World center of Slave Commerce.’ All together, at this time, there were in North America six Jewish communities: Newport, Charleston, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and Savanuah. There were also many other Jews, scattered over the entire East Coast. Although New York held first place in the settlers of Jews in North America, Newport held second place.


New York was also the main source of Kosher meat, supplying the North American settlements, then the West Indies and also South America. Now Newport took over! Newport also became the great trade harbour of the East Coast of North America. There, vessels from other ports met, to exchange commodities. Newport, as previously mentioned, represented the foremost place in the commerce of rum, whiskey, and liquor dealings. And to conclude, it finally became the Main Center of Slave dealings. It was from this port that the ships left on their way across the ocean, to gather their black human cargo and then derive great sums of money in exchange for them.


An authentic, contemporary report, based on authority, indicates that of 128 Slave ships, for instance, unloaded in Charleston, within one year, their “Cargo,” 120 of these were undersigned by Jews from Newport and Charleston by their own name. About the rest of them, one can surmise, although they were entered as Boston (1), Norfolk (2), and Baltimore (4), their real owners were similarly the Jewish slave dealers from Newport and Charleston.


One is able to assess the Jewish share in the entire dealings of the Newport, if one considers the undertaking of a lone Jew, the Portuguese, Aaron Lopez, who plays an important part in the over-all story of the Jews and Slavery.



Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.3723009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3032 >>3154



It occurred to these Jew traders that they could supply the plantations in the South with 'Black ivory', needed under swampy and malarial conditions which European labor could not tolerate without sickness, and which would not only fill the holds of their ships, but bring enormous profits. (This same group had earlier tried selling Indians as slaves but they found them completely unsatisfactory, as the Indians would not tolerate this type of work.) Thus, another segment of the slave trading had become active and profitable out of Charleston, South Carolina. Several shiploads of Black slaves were sent by the Dutch West Indies Company to Manhattan.


During this time there were a number of plantation owners established in the West Indies and two Jews, Eyrger and SayUer, with strong Rothschild connections in Spain, formed an agency called ASIENTO, which later operated in Holland and England. It was through these connections that Jews in Holland and England exerted influence and both of these connections cooperated in helping the Jews provide Black Slaves for the Colonists.

With the yearly capture and transport of one million Black slaves it is not difficult to figure that from 1661 to 1774 (one hundred thirteen years) approximately one hundred ten million slaves had been removed from their native land. About ten percent, or ELEVEN MILLION, Black slaves reached the Colonies alive.


We have talked about the small ship "Abigail" which could accommodate only 56 people and yet the profits per trip were enormous, with little or no investment. There were many other ships but we will concentrate here on only a few, such as the "La Fortuna," "Hannah," "Sally" or the "Venue" which made very great profits. The "La Fortuna," by the way, transported approximately 217 slaves on each trip. The owner cleared not less than $41,438.00 from such a trip. These were dollars which the slave dealers 'could keep'. And these were dollars of value which would buy a great deal in return.


When one considers that the Jews of Newport owned about 300 slave- transporting ships, active without interruption, docking at Newport- Africa, Charleston, (or Virginia), one can approximate the tremendous earnings which made their way to Jewish ship owners. Indeed, the Jews admit, that of the 600 ships, leaving Newport harbor into all the world, "at least half of them" went their way to Africa, and we know what these ships going to Africa "were seeking."


The fact that Aaron Lopez had control of over more than half of the combined deals in the Colonies of Rhode Island, with Newport, is well- known. The well-known Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein, in his book, The Story of the Jews in Newport, attempts to remove these facts, maintaining that there is not any evidence that the Jews were connected with the Slave Trade. It is therefore imperative to prove that the Jew was indeed connected with the slave trading. Especially so since this rabbi insists they had made great contributions, and how very "blessed" their residence became for the city of Newport. Surely Morris A. Gutstein will grant us permission to present the facts which he was unable to find.


Turning to one report of the Chamber of Commerce of the "Rhode Island Colony" in the year 1764, we find, for instance, that in the year 1723 "a few merchants in Newport" devised the idea to send their Newport rum to the coast of Africa. It developed into such a great export that in the matter of a few years "several thousand (hogsheads)" of rum went that way. To which purpose did this rum serve?



Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.3723032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3154



Behind Communism, by Frank L. Britton


We cannot undertake even this brief history of the modern Jew without taking note of a phenomenon which his confounded Gentile societies for twenty centuries. This is the ability of the Jewish people to collectively retain their identity despite centuries of exposure to Christian civilization. To any student of Judaism, or to the Jews themselves, this phenomenon is partly explained by the fact that Judaism is neither mainly a religion, nor mainly a raciai matter, nor yet is it simply a matter of nationality. Rather it is all three, it is a kind of trinity. Judaism is best described as a nationality built on the twin pillars of race and religion. All this is closely related to another aspect of Judaism, namely the persecution myth. Since first appearing in history, we find the Jews propagating the idea that they are an abused and persecuted people, and this idea is, and has always been, central in Jewish thinking. The myth of persecution is the adhesive and cement of Judaism: without it Jews would have long since ceased to exist, their racial-religious nationality notwithstanding.


It is a fact that the Jewish people have suffered numerous hardships in the course of their history, but this is true of other peoples too. The chief difference is that the Jews have kept score. We Must repeat-they have kept score-they have made a tradition of persecution.


A casual slaughter of thousands of Chriestians is remembered by no one in 50 years, but a disability visited upon a few Jews is preserved forever in Jewish histories. And they tell their woes not only to themselves, but to a sympathetic world as well.


End of original essay



Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:43 p.m. No.3723098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3172 >>3288

Andrew Gillum and the Mystery of 311 East Jennings Street


Among the many questions about an FBI corruption probe nagging Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum – one that could follow the Democrat uptown to the governor's mansion if he wins election next week – is something few people outside Florida are asking: What does his political rise have to do with 311 E. Jennings St.?


An arcane question, perhaps. Yet the Tallahassee address offers a window into how politics is done in Florida's capital, and may say a lot about how the Bernie Sanders-endorsed leftist has mastered the game.


It starts with money. In the first three months after Gillum announced his bid for mayor in April 2013, the decade-serving city commissioner received $8,000 from a host of companies using that address. And businesses there have received a number of financial favors from the city and the mayor, who, as a member of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, voted for the subsidies.


Those dealings are receiving heightened scrutiny since the FBI last year issued subpoenas to 38 individuals and companies, more than a dozen of which are connected to the Jennings Street address. Among the names on the subpoenas is Adam Corey, Gillum’s former campaign treasurer. Corey is a local lobbyist, developer and Gillum’s friend since college. Gillum, as part of the redevelopment agency, voted in 2013 to give a Corey-affiliated group $1.3 million in taxpayer money to develop a restaurant.

Anonymous ID: d4c9d4 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.3723219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3241 >>3288 >>3296

Murder, Suicides & Missing Persons At Iowa's Maharishi campus




This is for heavy diggers.


Only 1/4 of digs posted