Have any Valentine's Hussein portraits been made with "behind the scenes" Kehinde Wiley rubbing one out on Obama's head?
Asking for a man named Michelle
Have any Valentine's Hussein portraits been made with "behind the scenes" Kehinde Wiley rubbing one out on Obama's head?
Asking for a man named Michelle
I'm just anon, but played a big part in the original Horned Obama going viral after his eerie ISIS speech, so knew right away. Thanks to antenna anon for finding it.
The other thing about Baphomet is the sexual duality that Obama has represented in his person and official policies. This painting is all about that.
After Obama returned from Berlin, he was inaugurated on a replica of the Pergamon Altar, aka "Seat of Satan" so yes.
Of course, normies were assured it was just that he had an ego and wanted fancy "greek columns."
Correction, this was his nomination ceremony in Denver, not the inauguration platform. But he was up against the traitor who we can't say his name, so this was his formal ascension to power.
Trans children aren't born naturallyโฆyet (NK?). So for the elites, this is why there's been a push to drive the age of transition down to 3-4 years old. The occultists want a big future harvest of dual-sex children for ritualistic reasons, so this last decade has been all about planting that crop.
The Islamic angle (as with Hitler and the Mufti) is more a subset of the bigger picture which includes occult Buddhism, religion of UN leaders. Search on: Gorbachev, Maurice Strong, Maitreyanism, Luciferianism, Earth Charter (Ark with the new Ten Commandments marched to NYC after 9/11)
It's all tied together very closely.
"After been jailed by the Los Angeles police Sirhan requested two books: "The Secret Doctrine" by Mrs. H.B. Blavasky and "Talks on at the feet of the Master" by C.E. Le, both volumes involved the Illuminist Theosophical Church and the philosophy of Theosophy. The religion was founded by Mrs. Blavatsky, a Russian princess in New York in the 1880's, she also wrote a book called "Manual for Revolution", which book calls for assassination of national leaders to bring about World Revolution. The New York Chapel of the Theosophical Church is shared with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace whose founding officer was Alger Hiss. As with Oswald, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) took great interest in the rights of this pro-communist criminal."