The angle of the dangle
Is proportionate
To the beat of the meat
A^2+B^2= C you later holmes
Comms restored
What’s habbenin with muh donations says slob paytriot
The angle of the dangle
Is proportionate
To the beat of the meat
A^2+B^2= C you later holmes
Comms restored
What’s habbenin with muh donations says slob paytriot
Things could be worse..
This poor sheeb has 666 in his id
Therefore ergo, vis a vie concordingly
He’s in love with Satan’s butthole
Corsi wants back in. He misses donations from the gullible gentiles.
The white race built modern civilization, the automobile, airplanes, trains, jets, and went to space and the moon
We don’t need that we wuz kangz drivel
“muh peanut butter..”
“muh upside down oil can..”