Anonymous ID: 10b40a Nov. 4, 2018, 11:57 a.m. No.3729644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9658 >>0197

DNC boss challenged after claiming Democrats 'never hesitated to take action' on sexual misconduct allegations


Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez was challenged Sunday when he said his party has "never hesitated" to act on sexual misconduct allegations leveled at its members. Perez made the comments when asked during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union" program why Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., was still serving as his deputy at the DNC, despite being accused of domestic violence by his former girlfriend. A probe by Minnesota's state Democratic Party reported last month that it found no evidence to substantiate Karen Monahan's claims, which Ellison has vehemently denied. "What I say is that we should always take those complaints seriously, and we do, and that's why an investigation was conducted, that's why Congressman Ellison asked for a House Ethics investigation," Perez said. "And Democrats have never hesitated to take action, unlike Republicans."


The response prompted immediate pushback from anchor Jake Tapper. "Wait a second," he said. "Democrats have never hesitated to take action" Do you mean in the last year or do you mean historically? Because historically, I could go through a list of people."


When questioned about allegations made against former President Bill Clinton and the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., Perez responded by saying he has only been chair of the party for the last 18 months. "Well, and, again, you saw what happened in Sen. Franken's situation," Perez said, referring to Franken's resignation last year over accusations of misbehavior toward women. "Democrats didn't hesitate to do something, even if it was difficult because that was the right thing to do." "I think Keith Ellison's ex-girlfriend deserves to be heard, and deserves to be treated with dignity, and deserves to have a fair and full investigation, and that's exactly what has been done," Perez added. "And I also believe that when women succeed, America succeeds. And the agenda of this administration is an agenda that's making it much harder for women to succeed." Ellison announced in June that he would step down from his House seat to campaign to become Minnesota's next attorney general. He is currently leading Republican challenger Doug Wardlow in the polls.'never%20hesitated%20to%20take%20action'%20on%20sexual%20misconduct%20allegations

Anonymous ID: 10b40a Nov. 4, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.3729758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9762 >>9855 >>9932

NYC Synagogue Vandalism Suspect Is Former City Hall Anti-Hate Crime Intern


The suspect in a synagogue vandalism act that forced the cancellation of a Democratic event is reportedly a former City Hall employee who worked on anti-hate crime issues and is a Democratic activist, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The New York Times and a Jewish couple helped the impoverished gay black man attend college where he studied African American studies, according to The Times. He resented New York liberals as patronizing, and railed against Israel and cultural appropriation, according to his Facebook profile. Before knowing his identity, politicians said the vandalism demonstrated why voting Democratic was needed and highlighted government programs to combat such incidents.


The suspect in the vandalism of a New York synagogue was a Democratic activist and former City Hall intern who worked on anti-hate crime issues, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. He is a “queer” black man informally adopted by a Jewish couple, and The New York Times’ charity, the Neediest Cases, helped pay for him to go to college where his focus was African American studies, according to a 2017 New York Times profile.


A political event with two Democratic candidates at the Union Temple of Brooklyn was canceled Friday after attendees found graffiti saying “Die Jew Rats” and “Hitler,” which one of the candidates said highlighted the need to vote out “hate.” Police arrested 26-year old James Polite later that night based on surveillance footage. A year ago, The New York Times profiled Polite, noting that he was an LGBT foster youth who “could defy the statistics” after becoming the “adopted child of the Quinn administration,” as Christine Quinn, then the speaker of the New York city council, put it. “And it wasn’t just me. It was the entire City Council staff.”


In the 2017 profile, The New York Times said Polite, who requested to join the foster care system after his mother provided “unsanitary” conditions for him, “interned with Ms. Quinn, a Manhattan Democrat, for several years, working on initiatives to combat hate crime, sexual assault and domestic violence. He also took part in her re-election campaign in 2009 and returned to help with her unsuccessful bid for mayor in 2013.”


His Facebook profile, reviewed by TheDCNF, shows that on Nov. 1, a day before the synagogue vandalism, he posted “A dream with eyes wide open. civil war is here. Nobody gotta die. Mexico, latin America, carribean vs. Jew nigger pigs. One person touch me this whole shit a smoking.” At 3:46 a.m. on Nov. 1, Polite posted a cell-phone picture of a burning American flag, with the caption “Sometimes things take a lil heat to grow.” Police suspect him of setting fires at “seven shuls and yeshivas in Williamsburg” that same night, before the temple vandalism. Security footage captured that, too. The Facebook profile’s pictures and biographical information reveal that it is the same man in The New York Times’ profile. Its URL includes James Polite, but he changed his online name to Abraham Aali. The Times profile said that the New York councilwoman helped Polite get into college.


Post too long

Much more to the story here:

Anonymous ID: 10b40a Nov. 4, 2018, 12:26 p.m. No.3729972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9985 >>0197

BOKHARI: Everywhere We Look, Elites Demonize, Delegitimize, and Censor Ordinary People — Elections Are the Way to Fight Back


What do crowdfunding websites, comments sections, Twitter’s “like button,” the movie review site Rotten Tomatoes, the 2016 election, and the Brexit referendum have in common? They are all methods by which ordinary people can express their opinion. And they have all come under relentless attack by progressive elites. In the two years between the presidential election in 2016 and the upcoming midterm elections, we’ve witnessed an unprecedented attack on democracy. This war has not been waged, as the elites allege, by foreign actors — but by themselves. And it’s not just targeted at elections — it’s targeted at every tool we use to speak, organize, and signal our preferences.


Take Twitter’s recent announcement that it plans to remove its “like” button. “Likes” are a primary way Twitter users engage with each other — the fancy term for interacting. It’s how users tell friends they read their tweet and appreciate it, or throw themselves in with an influencer’s hot take. Social media companies live or die by engagement levels — that a platform would willingly cut engagement is drastic, to say the least. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has also said that he wants to reexamine the prominence of follower counts, suggesting to CNN’s Brian Stelter that incentivizing people to grow their following may not be the “right incentive.” In both cases, Twitter is seeking to diminish metrics often used to signal popularity. The idea that ordinary people might actually grow their own followings or signal their approval has become a problem for Twitter.


Facebook has undergone a similar journey in the past two years. The company previously used its newsfeed ranking algorithms to show users content that was similar to content that they previously approved of by hitting the “like” or “follow” button. Everything was structured around the user and his preferences. But starting in January, Facebook began to roll back this system, deciding on behalf of its users that they needed to see more posts from friends and family, and fewer from pages that they liked or followed. It’s almost like something happened in 2016 that made the company conclude that there was a problem with its users’ preferences!


This trend of elites seeking to hide, thwart, or undermine the choices of ordinary people, can be seen everywhere. It’s the top national issue in Britain, where every elite from the conservative Prime Minister downwards is trying to co-opt, water down, or thwart the outcome of the Brexit referendum. A simple question — a “yes” or “no” on whether the U.K. should leave the E.U. or not —has been warped by elites into a debate between “hard Brexit,” “no-deal Brexit” (elites are terrified of this) and “soft Brexit” (so watered down that the former Brexit secretary says it would almost be the same as staying in the E.U.) American voters are also familiar with elites’ attempts to undermine their decisions at the ballot box, witnessing a Deep State of shadowy unelected bureaucrats work tirelessly to undermine the President’s agenda through a campaign of leaks and policy sabotage. The Deep State is so brazen that its members now boast of their existence in New York Time op-eds.

Anonymous ID: 10b40a Nov. 4, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.3730114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0132

Democrat Stacey Abrams Admits Her Plans May Require Georgians to ‘Turn Their Guns In’


During a November 4 appearance on CNN’s State of the Union Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) admitted that a possible outcome of her gun control plans could be that “people would turn their guns in.” She said other options might include “buybacks” and/or “grandfathering in” certain firearms, so current owners could keep them but be barred from selling them or transferring them to other individuals.


Abrams began by telling host Jake Tapper that “AR-15s are not necessary on our streets.” She then called for more gun control “semiautomatic weapons” in general. She did not mention that semiautomatic handguns like Glock, Kimber, Ruger, Walther, Sig Sauer, Smith & Wesson, Springfield Armory, etc., are the go-to choice for concealed carry and self-defense. Rather, she simply called for new controls for firearms with semiautomatic actions. Tapper reminded the viewing audience that Abrams co-sponsored Georgia HB 731 on January 2016. He pointed out that Abrams’ co-sponsors admitted the bill would “require gun owners of these particular models to turn their guns in.” (Breitbart News reported that HB 731 designated certain commonly owned semiautomatic firearms as contraband and required the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to seize them from their owners.)


Abrams did not try to hide her support for HB 731, rather, she said that was simply the beginning of “a conversation.” She then made clear that as her control push continues it is still unknown if the outcome will be “grandfather in, about whether or not people would turn their guns in, whether there would be buybacks.” On October 31, Breitbart News reported that Abrams described AR-15s as “weapons of mass destruction” and stressed her belief that they must be banned.

Anonymous ID: 10b40a Nov. 4, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.3730206   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Political Dummy Hanging from Tree with Sign Attacking GOP Enrages Tennessee Voters


Tennessee voters were outraged when they discovered a dummy wearing a GOP shirt, a dunce cap, and a sign with U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN) name crossed out hanging from a tree. Bedford County GOP chairwoman Sandy Still shared photos of the anti-Republican Halloween display on Facebook Thursday, which showed the figure with a plastic pumpkin-shaped bucket head, connected to a sign listing “Marsha” three times with a black “X” crossing it out and a sign below it that read “Stop the Hate.”


The display hung at an intersection in Shelbyville not too far from Liberty Elementary School, according to Still’s post. Neighbors in the area were appalled at what they saw, especially since the figure was placed close to an elementary school. “I didn’t want the children or the school to have to see that type of thing,” neighbor Bill Grimes, who lives a mile away from the dummy’s location, told WZTV.


Although the person who set up the display remains a mystery for now, Grimes and other residents called the display “intimidating” and “disturbing.” “It was very disturbing to see a human-like object hanging from a tree,” Grimes said, “It’s an intimidating message they’re sending.” The owners of the land where the anti-Republican display was installed are not residents of the area, telling WZTV they have no idea who placed the display there. Still says the anti-Republican display has cropped up before in past election cycles for different candidates.


“It happened in the Romney/Ryan election. They had him hanging in the tree covered in red paint and signs on there with slashes through it, that kind of thing. And then Trump, we had the same thing hanging there,” Still said. The latest polls show Blackburn with a five-point lead over Democrat candidate Phil Bresden, who served as Tennessee’s governor for two terms.