Anonymous ID: 274312 Nov. 4, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.3729569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9585 >>9783 >>9815 >>0197

Red Wave Coming in the House and Senate


Expect a Red Wave in the U. S. House and Senate Elections in November


My forecast for the 2018 Congressional Elections – There will be a Conservative Red Wave in the House with 225 – 228 Republicans elected to office and in the Senate with 58 – 60 Republicans elected to office.


Let’s look at some of the reasons that went into the forecast.


Reasons that Impacted this Forecast


As you remember from my book Great News for America, the presidential election of 2016 was both an historic and critical presidential election that ushered in a new American Constitutional Era that I called the Conservative Era. Long-range trends as well as short-range trends came together to cause a fundamental shift in each of our two major political parties. In addition, other major changes took place as well. Those were predicted and explained in Great News for America.


In fact, nine of my ten predictions made in Great News for America came true. Now, the 2018 Congressional Elections continue to build on the foundations of the historic 2016 presidential election.


In my newest book, More Great News for America, I make eight new predictions that will happen in the near future. These predictions appear to be happening as we approach the 2018 Congressional Elections and as we soon have a new Congress in place in January 2019.


This fall we have witnessed a series of Fall surprises, including:


September Surprise :

Brett Kavanaugh Hearings


October Surprises:

Caravan Crisis

Mail Bombs to Some Democrats

Synagogue Mass Shooting


In addition, we have seen an outstanding economy, tempered by considerable volatility on Wall Street.


We have also seen the extreme bias of the old mainstream media with 92% of all stories on, or related to, the president, reported from a negative point of view. We have seen President Trump fight back, attacking the Leftist media for their “fake news” and negative news.


Finally, we have seen Democrat leaders and well known media personalities stoking anti-Trump rage and confrontations with Trump supporters.


What has been the Impact of these Fall Surprises and Other Events?


While intended to hurt President Trump and keep Republicans from holding the House during the mid-term elections, all the above surprises and events have worked to enhance the Conservative Red Wave. Instead of creating or building a Blue Wave, the Red Wave continues. Republican Voter Intensity exceeds the much heralded (and Leftist desired) Blue Wave.


There has been no Blue Wave this year. There has been no Blue Ripple this year. There has been no Blue Drip this year. Plus, even some Blue Bubbles are bursting. Recall that Blue Bubbles are areas of Blue support, such as a long-time Blue Congressional District in a major coastal city.


In addition to lower Democrat Voter Intensity among Democrat voters, Democrats have another major problem. There are movements of Democrat voters that are abandoning their party and voting for Conservatives. Three such movements are:


#WalkAway Movement

#RedPill Movement

#GreatAwakening Movement


The bottom line is a Conservative Red Wave is coming in November.

Anonymous ID: 274312 Nov. 4, 2018, 12:32 p.m. No.3730050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0077 >>0082 >>0115 >>0144 >>0172 >>0190 >>0245

Can it be?


I'm a recovering addict 7 years clean November 5th.


I go to meeting every week. I know a junkie when I see one.


#OBAMA - he's lost weight , looks erratic, nervous and tired.


Look like Cocaine and some type of Amphetamine.

Anonymous ID: 274312 Nov. 4, 2018, 12:34 p.m. No.3730086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0189 >>0209

Vote fuckery?


Just watching Fox News about a half hour ago and got interested in one of the anchors interiew of Jay Kaplan, CEO of a company called SYNACK.


My ears popped when he said his company had given $1M each of cyber security products and pro bono services to about ten states in the past year to secure their voting systems.


So, that sounded strange to me. How could a little company be doing all of this probono work?


Have looked around the site and a lot makes me nervous. Maybe there are some better connected techies on CTH who can weigh in.


This is under the timeline:


May 2013

Jay Kaplan and Mark Kuhr leave the NSA and launch the industry’s first solution to safely crowdsource vulnerability intelligence


August 2013

Synack Secures $1.5M in Seed Funding


April 2014

Synack Secures $7.5M of Funding in Series A Round, Led by KPCB


February 2015

Synack Closes $25M in Series B Funding, Co-Led by GGV Capital and Icon Ventures, Joining KPCB


September 2016

The US Department of Defense awards crowdsourced security contract to Synack as part of their “Hack the Pentagon” program


February 2017

Releases Coverage Analytics – Providing customers with real-time data and visibility in testing reports


February 2017

“Hack the Pentagon” proves to be a successful program, as researchers find critical vulnerabilities in a matter of hours in a Defense Digital Service system


March 2017

Synack closes $21 million in Series C Funding, Backed by Microsoft, HP Enterprise, and Singtel


June 2018

Launches “Secure the Election” initiative offering states free security testing for election systems before the Midterms


The company started out of SanFrancisco. Then I take a look at their partners and, voila:

Anonymous ID: 274312 Nov. 4, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.3730173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0209

Haven’t seen the list of states yet, but here are a few more very disturbing details:


“Synack is allocating $550,000 to launch its “Election Security Initiative,” which will rely on vetted researchers from the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Flaws discovered by the researchers will be reported back to participating elections officials, and then to any relevant vendors.”


Synack at the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) conference”Philadelphia is a city known for being the first capital of the United States. It’s where Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, and our founding fathers convened the Continental Congress and signed the Constitution in 1787. Without Philly, we would not be the symbol of democracy and freedom we are today.


It’s only fitting that Philadelphia would be a host to the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) conference, where Secretaries of State come together to exchange best practices. The Loews Hotel, which was originally home to the Philadelphia Savings Fund Society (the first savings bank in the United States) played host along with their five star restaurant, Bank & Bourbon, which was a bit hit with secretaries and staff alike. NASS is an association that represents all Secretaries of State, from Vermont to California.


Synack was invited to attend along with Microsoft, Amazon, and other technology vendors to meet with Secretaries of State as part of our pro bono initiative, Secure the Election. While at the conference, we spoke with a number of Secretaries of State about the best way forward for American election security. This is an age-old issue with a history of election fraud and security issues detailed in a book by Joseph P. Harris, PhD, in 1934. We attended some thought- provoking sessions, including a lunch address from Department of Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen and a session entitled “Election Cybersecurity Shared Practices.” For us, Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen’s words rang true: “Don’t underestimate our adversaries. They learn and get better day to day.”


Notice the Philadelphia location, and the secretaries of state that George Soros has been attempting to position.


Then, I find this report:


And there is a reference to Comey and more about the cast of characters here. Also pushing the so-called extensive background checks amongst the Five Eyes Foxes.


Maybe I have used too much tin foil today, but this all just sounds BAD! This all sounds like chapter 3 of this ongoing coup…makes me shudder that Nancy Pelosi was so smug about the Dem’s winning the election the other night on late night TV.


Why would the US need Five Eyes to secure our own country’s election systems?