Anonymous ID: 36d11d Nov. 4, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.3729740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0290

I was just re-watching the Reagan video that Q posted after a few bowls and I got to thinking how Q has challenged me to look at history anew, without the apriori assumptions that were falsely implanted. Take this video, for example, now, I've always viewed politicians as professional liars and never believed a single word that passed their lips, and, even though Trump was not a career politician, he had become one and I thought no differently of himthan I did to all other politicians. With a different mindset, I can now view Reagan as being more honest than I gave him credit for.

But what Q has given is so much more than I could possily hope to express.

I was a shit of a kid and always wanted to know why. This helped me understand the broader situation to see the rationale behind something; if I saw no logical rationale, I saw no reason to accept something, including authority. Thus, I guess I could say I have always been awake and knew a lot about what was really going on in the world; oft times gleaned through publications that garnered little interest in MSM. But I had no idea of the true scope of it until Q arrived on the scene and blew our minds.

With all that I sifted through of what was really going on pre Q, I saw a tenebrous (this is an awesome word I learned through learning a Latin language) future for mankind, or at least the 99%ers. I grew despondant, without hopes, without dreams; simply existing. I became an alcoholic and drunk myself into oblivion every night. I didn't care if I lived or died.

And then Q arrived on the scene.

I was a relatively late arrival to Q; around early March. I was intrigued, but sceptical. And I use this spelling quite specifically, as Skeptical, from my observation, appears to have a different meaning. Therefore, If you will indulge me, I will explain the differences as I perceive them. Sceptical means that I am initially dubious of the veracity of something, whereas Skeptical appears to be used to signify that something is a pile of steaming horse shit and I'm going to prove it. I read the Q posts and followed the breads as a relative newbie to the chans (I had already seen a few threads in /pol/ and 1/2 chan and knew what to expect), but it was a comfy home for me (my fave curse word for years and years has been faggot, even when sharing a place with homosexuals). I lurked and made newbie errors, like starting a new thread because that is what the screen is instructing me to do and learned until I can shitpost with the best of you!

I researched the Q crumbs, I read the interpretations, my scepticism dwindled and the more I dug, the more my scepticism dwindled until I reached the point where coincidence had become mathematically impossible.

Once I had accepted Q to be genuinely close to POTUS, I sperged out big time posting like a Jehova witness across several boards because, for the first time in my life, I had glimpsed real hope for the future.

I am not an Americanfag, but I see and feel that this Q movement, with Trump at the helm, is not an American movement, but a global one with habbenings all around the world, como a eleição de Bolsonaro no Brasil, most recently and I, not as a citizen of the World, but as an inhabitant of it, and truly excited to be alive at this most propitious moment in history.

I am truly proud to be sharing this path with you fucked up social misfits.


Before I go, a true story.

I recently called my mother a mader vaca (vacais cowin many Latin languages) recently and she laughed.

I asked why she laughed and she said because you called me a mother fucker.

I said you would laugh more if you really understood what I'd said.

I explained.

She laughed

and laughed,

and laughed.

I had already explained that, were she living in India,she would be sacred.

Bless you anons, I love you all and you, too, shillbot faggots (no homo)