It’s humbling having been here and at half Chan for a full year tomorrow.
What Q has done today and yesterday after forcing the question is incredible. The media has gone all in on a coordinated attack that Q is either a scam started by a fame fag on 4 Chan, or some neo nazi conspiracy, or completely fake, or you name it.
This is Q truly going mainstream. Q is not some racist incel in his mother’s basement. This is a movement of everyday Americans who love our country and want it back.
“Normal people” will now be seeing their friends and neighbors on twitter and others and have begun to awoken. Some may be confused or scared or simply unaware. It is all of our job to get out and vote and share the great awaking.
Obviously, Q can’t spend all of their time replying to every tweet, but the message is out. The damage to the establishment is done. They may not realize it yet, but checkmate is close. And very soon it will be all over for them but the shouting.