The tide is turning, I'd say, but there is no real truth wave at this time. Drips maybe.
Free Beer Tomorrow. Q
First-year Art School quality. Seriously. Really?
Unless a Rostacom Exec happens to be on your plane, train, or in your subway station.
Free Beer Tomorrow. Q
Third Eye for understanding of Penance, which is critical to human understanding.
That type of stuff is so unimportant. We are trying to restore our country, not a fucking chan board.
Gateway Pundit. When they object, "It's conservative" (tell them that), just say, Well, conservatives are in charge and this is whats true now because they will make it happen .
Demand MORE of the Admin, not less.
Demand MORE not less!
Perfect as is. The statement, then crickets lol
Crazy chicks good for 2 things: Sex and Uber.