Anonymous ID: 4d32dc Feb. 14, 2018, 8:36 a.m. No.373541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3558 >>3589 >>3602 >>3607 >>3745 >>3803 >>4040


Help an anon out. I was just banned for a month for a GR violation. I’m Donald Trump LEGO man anon w/ the They See Me Rollin’ coffee mug. I’ve been here since day 1. I’ve been digging on RBG and Hanoi John no name. I have them tied together through the “Hanoi can be educational post”

Look up YSEALI - Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative.

This is a post of mine about it.


This is the post that got me banned.


I didn’t mean to start any shit. My wife just told me that my kid got ahold of my laptop this morning and ripped the tape off of my camera. I had no idea and was freaking out because she had failed to mention it and my workspace did not appear to be disturbed. You can imagine how one might be a little paranoid. Hopefully my fellow anons can vouch for me so I can get back to digging. Having to phonefag right now to ask for the lift of ban. I can provide many examples of contributing posts if need be.

Anonymous ID: 4d32dc Feb. 14, 2018, 8:52 a.m. No.373641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3662


Thanks man. Digging more. It’s sponsored through the State Department and I think I’ve barely scratched the surface. They have a program in Arizona too, home state of Traitor NoName


Anonymous ID: 4d32dc Feb. 14, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.373816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3824 >>3844 >>3860 >>4086


So is your theory that we fired the missile at ourselves but were in complete control of the missile the entire time so we could guide it basically straight up and straight back down into the ocean away from any danger? The only way to truly trigger the BDT was if the missile was real. I’m wondering now if this wasn’t two pronged. Maybe we were also searching for a rogue nuclear submarine that had gone silent. Our guys launch a live ICBM which triggered systems on the rogue nuclear sub which allowed us to locate it and neutralize the threat. Hence why Q pointed out that the Hunt For had been removed. So we basically killed two birds with one stone and nobody was ever really in grave danger. It was the only way.

Anonymous ID: 4d32dc Feb. 14, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.373910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3935


Lots of symbolism today, plus it’s Ash Wednesday.

Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon 2/14/2018

Today, the Sun and Moon are both in the 11th House of the zodiac sign Aquarius. You already know that Aquarius is an active, analytical sign, and today's Master Number is 9, also analytical, and similar to the mindset of an Aquarius.


But what makes this really fascinating is that the Solar Eclipse takes place at the same time that the Moon goes into void of course. As you know, a void of course of any planet means that it ceases to communicate with the other planets as it resets its own energy. For over 5 hours, the Moon does this before moving into the sign of Pisces.


A Partial Solar Eclipse on the day of a New Moon is an invitation to transformation. For anyone who is not on the right path, in astrology, this is a time when they find where they are meant to be.

A partial solar eclipse, brings the power of 3 Full Moons into our lives and can last up to 6-9 months when the new series of eclipses begins again in August.