In the body of the text, lay out all of the capital letters & notice societies is missing an "e". JFK - secret soc is in reference to his speech by that name 4/27/61 - very long very relevant speech. However the major news is the secret letters. Working from the last spells KEW. Kew is a Royal Botanical Garden (RBG) in Kew, London. They have their own police dept. There are many other RBG's funded through UNESCO. Also hidden in the text is W.People. I haven't deciphered the rest yet. The purpose of the RBG's is to house sustainable species/gardens in the event of world disaster
Q trying to give the hint e was missing previous post
Message was missed. Go back, highlight capital letters and "e" missing societies. Spells KEW towards end. KEW, IS RBG Royal Botanical Gardens. It is funded by UNESCO, MANY RBG'S, have their own police force! Purpose is to collect seeds/plants for sustainability in case of world wide destruction
I don't need to lurk, I am finding shit. Did you read my post on the clinton/NK pic? The yellow stick is standard issue military gear made by CYALUME. Cyalume makes, ammunition, military supplies and pharmaceuticals. Purpose of Clinton visit was to pave the way for O to lift ITAR on NK-give them military weapons. I think the pic represents world destruction by land and sea. When you lift ITAR, it opens up sea port & ability US to plant military supplies on land. Plan for WORLD MILITARY